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Top UK scientists urge prime minister to prevent catastrophic decline in charity research fund


More than 60 of the UK’s top cardiovascular and cancer research scientists have signed an open letter to the prime minister asking for urgent financial assistance to British medical research charities.

This letter urges the government to quickly invest in bioscience-charity partnership funds to protect the important and creative contributions of biomedical research supported by charities to the R&D ecosystem and the wider economy.

Thanks to decades of support from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and the Cancer Research UK, scientists trying to become international leaders in many fields are concerned that the government’s announcement of funding for universities and charities is not so important. There is. Lack of UK science-based medical research philanthropy.

Last year, a medical research philanthropy invested £1.9 billion in British research. With Cancer Research UK and BHF alone, more than half of non-profit UK studies have funded cancer, heart and circulatory diseases.

Unprecedented funding crisis

However, canceled fundraising events and store closures due to the corona virus created an unprecedented funding crisis for charities. Cancer Research UK had to cut £150 million a year in research funding and is expected to cut research costs this year in half from £100 million to £50 million. These impacts are not expected to be limited in the short term, and a reduction in some level of funding is tentatively predicted for at least 3-5 years.

Leading scientists say this sharp drop will have “extreme impact” on the UK’s research and R&D base, the research career of thousands of young scientists, and the development of diagnostics, treatments and treatments for people suffering from the UK’s most deadly disease. Says it can.

Government investment in research

Prof Nilesh Samani, medical director, said: “Without immediate action, UK research bases are in response to massive budget declines that delay the discovery of new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases including heart attack, stroke and vascular dementia. Faced. We are also at risk of losing a generation of promising young researchers and declining our position as a global leader in the UK science sector. “This cannot happen during a pandemic that highlights the important role of science and research in the UK healthcare and economy.”

“Currently, the need for a life science-charity partnership fund supported by many prominent scientists goes beyond supporting charities. It represents the government’s investment in British research, and has returned many times to the world’s best scientific discoveries, the fuel it provides the UK economy, and the world’s best scientific discoveries leading to life saved through treatment and treatment that follows. The superintendent should be at the center of British science stabilization as he plans to restore Britain’s economy tomorrow.”

The proposal is centered on a co-investment scheme, supported by medical research charity associations and charity member 151, that provides a level of consensus funding for future charitable research over the next three to five years. The AMRC estimates that the UK healthcare research investment has dropped by £310 million this fiscal year, and it may take several years for funds to return to current levels.

At BHF, we currently support a research portfolio of 445 million pounds across 47 institutions across the UK. This includes grants from more than 1700 researchers, hundreds of who are in the early stages of their scientific career.

Cancer Research UK has invested 421 million pounds in research on all types of cancer in 2018/19 to help build a thriving research network in more than 40 UK cities and 90 institutions in cities. Invested in state-of-the-art facilities. Approximately 4,000 researchers are funded by laboratories and hospitals across the UK, including over 500 PhD students.

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