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UK Championship 2022: Mark Allen beats Jack Lisowski to win the semi-final.

UK Championship 2022: Mark Allen beats Jack Lisowski to win the semi-final.


Mark Allen fought back twice two frames to beat Jack Lisowski 6-5 in the UK Championship’s epic semi-final.

Allen found himself trailing 2-0, 5-3 against an out-of-form Lisowski and needed all his experience to make a stunning comeback in front of a loud crowd at Barbican.

He will face Ding Junhui in the final on Sunday after three-time British Championship winner Ding Junhui beat off a belated charge from Tom Ford to win 6-3 earlier in the day.

british championship

‘Where did you get that?’ – Allen’s 4-ball plant sets the intensity.

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There were some initial nerves in the opening frame as Allen missed the blue midway to allow Lisowski to make a frame-winning break of 58.

While his new coach, Peter Ebdon, watched and continued to take notes, Lisowski doubled the lead with an amazing 77 that included a great recovery shot for the sunspot.

Both players had their chances in the third frame and everything fell to the final red with Lisowski up 60-44.

An excellent safety battle unfolded and it was Allen who landed a brave shot to left-center with speed from a tough angle that ultimately won him the frame as he cleared the colors.

Lisowski’s Amazing Plant Wins Second Frame

Allen took first place but missed the sunspot on the spot. With no penalty this time, he returned to the table and landed a mid-range red to hit a 63 and make it 2-2.

The drama continued after the break as Lisowski played an inspiring snooker. However, he had some bad luck as the red went out while porting the blue and giving Allen a chance.

Surprisingly, the Northern Ireland Open champion missed another black he was normally expected to get, and Lisowski took advantage to secure the frame.

Lisowski needed a snooker to get back to the next frame with only colors left on the table. He placed the beauties with white behind the blue and yellow near the black.

Allen missed and Lisowski got another chance to get his opponent in trouble again. However, he throws his chance away when a yellow pops out allowing Allen to clear and take a frame that should have been over much sooner. All squares again.

Three scoring visits put Lisowski ahead for the third time and see a thrilling snooker in the huge frame 8.

Lisowski’s Inspiring Snooker – Shot of the Match?

Lisowski put a brilliant long red into the yellow pocket, but missed the black as the red split. Allen immediately failed to get Lisowski back in, but was out of position after posting 31 points.

Another long red came in until Lisowski missed a brown and Allen took a chance. The tension obviously passed to both fighters as Allen was unable to gain an advantage either.

In the end, Lisowski crossed the line after visiting the table several times to get within one frame of victory.

Huge drama in the eighth frame between Lisowski and Allen

With little to lose, Allen flew off the block and produced a four-ball plant to begin hitting 115, his only century of the match.

In the 10th frame, Lisowski potted another nice long red that gave him the first chance, but only put 16 points on the board.

Lisowski missed the long red by a wide margin and Allen found his rhythm and shot a 74 to take the match to the decider.

How an incredible decider played

Allen drew first blood when he hit the long red, but was out of position after the 36. A few safety shots followed before Lisowski tried and potted a tricky red in the middle.

He showed no signs of straining as he racked up points, but knew he needed the last red on the right cushion.

Lisowski shot a 57 and tried to clip with white when potting the green but missed.

It was all about the final red with a score of 57-36 in Lisowski’s favour. This was snooker at its best.

Lisowski fouled as he tried to thin the red, but did no significant damage. However, Allen left a free ball for a snooker that Lisowski missed moments later.

Allen went green and missed, but Lisowski missed red. Allen ported the red and color, but missed the yellow, which had to be cut back.

Lisowski ported the yellow, but left a grainy green. He missed it by a small margin and it gave way to Allen.

This time, after a monumental battle, Allen won by potting green, brown, blue, pink, and black to cap off the epic match.

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Stream the 2022 UK Championship and more top snooker action live and on demand on Discovery+.

british championship

Huge drama in the eighth frame between Lisowski and Allen

5 hours ago

british championship

Lisowski’s Inspiring Snooker – Shot of the Match?

5 hours ago




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