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Coronavirus: Seniors Must Be "Protected" As PM Seeks To Outfit NHS


A sign outside of Watford General HospitalImage copyright
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Boris Johnson is launching a campaign to equip the NHS with more fans because the number 10 has indicated that it may soon step up measures to fight the coronavirus.

These include "protecting" the elderly and vulnerable – where they are kept away from the general population – and asking entire families to isolate themselves .

The government was forced to do more to fight the epidemic after the death toll in the UK rose to 21 on Saturday.

Downing Street said it would continue to be guided by its medical experts.

Its Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) has listed "protecting the vulnerable" and "household isolation" as the next steps to combat the spread of the virus.

They could see entire households saying they were self-isolated even if only one person fell ill.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister must urge British companies to join a "national effort" to produce more ventilators and other "high-speed" medical equipment to help the NHS cope ; coronavirus epidemic.

Work is also underway to purchase thousands of private hospital beds to increase the capacity of the NHS when needed.

It follows harsh criticism of the government's strategy from more than 200 scientists, who have written to ministers Urging them to take tougher measures to combat the spread of Covid-19.

The total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK reached 1,140, ​​while 37,746 people were tested.

Downing Street has stated that its "next scheduled interventions" will soon take effect and that it will publish the models and data it used in its decision-making process.

Write in the Sunday TelegraphHealth Secretary Matt Hancock said government, local authorities, charities, friends and neighbors "will need to be part of the national effort to support the tanks."

He also said that the British public had "never been tested like this" since World War II and called manufacturers "to arms", asking them to "transform their production lines" to make fans.

"Everyone will be asked to make sacrifices, to protect themselves and others, especially the most vulnerable to this disease," he said.

What should I do if I …

Have symptoms: If you experience a continuous new cough and / or fever – defined as a temperature above 37.8 ° C – you should isolate yourself at home for at least seven days, according to guidelines released Friday by Public Health England (PHE).

People with mild symptoms who self-isolate at home are not currently being tested. All hospital patients with flu-like symptoms are tested.

Live with or have been in close contact with a positive case: The seven-day isolation period now applies to everyone, no matter where you have traveled or whether you have been in close contact with a confirmed case.

Read more here.

An emergency bill giving the government temporary powers to deal with the epidemic will be released next week – but Mr Hancock said he hoped many measures "will not be necessary ".

Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn asked for "an urgent view" of the bills and a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss the crisis.

His party had previously called on the government to publish the scientific modeling and data it uses to define its approach.

Meanwhile, a new public information campaign will be launched with the British government's chief medical adviser, Professor Chris Whitty and a voice-over from Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy actor Mark Strong.

The campaign, which will highlight the need for people with symptoms to isolate themselves for a week, will be broadcast on television, radio, newspapers, social media and on billboards .

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The rise in the number of cases in the UK comes as people continue to store food

Of the latest deaths in the UK, eight were men over the age of 80 and all belonged to 'at risk' groups.

Professor Whitty said: "I understand that this increase in the number of deaths from Covid-19 will be of concern to many. The public should know that every step we take is aimed at saving lives and protecting the most vulnerable . "

Most of the confirmed cases in the UK are in England. There have been 121 confirmed cases in Scotland, 60 in Wales and 34 in Northern Ireland.

People who self-isolate with mild symptoms are no longer tested for the virus. The government said on Friday that it estimated the actual number of cases in the UK to be around 5,000 to 10,000.

Visitors to elderly and vulnerable parents were reminded to take extra precautions government released new advice.

Home care providers should ask anyone "usually sick" not to visit them, the board said.

Meanwhile, government sources said Mass rallies may soon be banned in the UK to ease pressure on emergency services. It is believed that a ban could come into force as early as next weekend.

In other developments:

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