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Britain must be strongly condemned for this ‘dirty’ act: Global Times editorial

Britain must be strongly condemned for this ‘dirty’ act: Global Times editorial


Illustration by Vitaly Podvitski/Russia

The Defense Minister confirmed on March 21 that some of the ammunition Britain is sending to Ukraine for Challenger 2 battle tanks contains armor-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium. This provoked strong opposition from Russia. President Vladimir Putin warned the same day that Moscow would treat the weapon as containing “nuclear components” and Russia would have to respond. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Britain’s decision left fewer and fewer steps before a potential “nuclear conflict” between Russia and the West. This is a very important issue. It should be pointed out that this is not just a problem for Russia to address and does not simply mean an increased risk of escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Depleted uranium, commonly known as “dirty bombs,” is aptly named because the word “dirty” has profound meaning. When we hear this term, we immediately think of the United States and NATO. Because it is a permanent stain on their records. Depleted uranium is not classified as a nuclear weapon, but it is not a conventional weapon either. This is because the uranium-238 contained in it contains chemical and radioactive substances. During the Gulf and Iraq wars, the US military used large quantities of depleted uranium in Iraq. In 1999, NATO dropped 15 tons of depleted uranium on Yugoslavia during a bombing operation.

The effects of these depleted uranium continue to take their toll today, with numerous examples providing concrete evidence of enormous damage to human health and long-term destruction to the environment. After the two wars, rates of miscarriage, birth defects, leukemia, and cancer skyrocketed in Iraq, and cancer rates rose significantly in Serbia. Many American and NATO soldiers who served in the war also suffered from related diseases. From a humanitarian point of view, the use of depleted uranium is highly immoral.

Britain says it will do this immoral act and acts as if it were natural. International law and morality seem to be tools and weapons to demand and attack others rather than rules to bind oneself for one’s own interests. These characteristics are the same as the United States, and Japan, which readily “apologizes and bows”, is following the example of the United States and the United Kingdom, ignoring international opposition to unilaterally dumping nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sewer. Pacific ocean.

Some peace groups are campaigning to ban depleted uranium. Last year, the United Nations General Assembly approved a draft resolution in Indonesia expressing concern about the “health risks and environmental impacts” of depleted uranium and calling for a “cautious approach” to uranium use. The vote was 147 to 5 against, with the United States, United Kingdom, France, Israel and Liberia voting against, with 23 countries abstaining. Though an absolute minority, the United States and the United Kingdom have exposed loopholes in the current international order by interfering with the practical bans and restrictions on the use of depleted uranium under international law.

To put it simply, the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a bit like two people who, incited by outsiders, are so angry that they accept the weapons handed to them without considering the consequences. At this time, whether a third party fuels the flames or mediates and tries to persuade them to seek reconciliation, the result will be completely different. The fact that Britain is providing “dirty bombs” at this time is inherently very malicious.

In fact, Ukraine, which suffered from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, should be wary of depleted uranium. Ukraine is one of the world’s most important grain and oilseed producers and exporters, growing maize, wheat, barley and sunflower seed oil. The potential hazards and environmental contamination caused by depleted uranium cannot be ignored. Precautions must also be taken to prevent the “broken windows effect” and “domino effect” of depleted uranium that reduces global profitability.

We urge the United Nations to formally discuss the matter and express clear opposition and condemnation of the UK. Asked by a Chinese journalist, the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations said the United Nations Office for Disarmament had expressed concerns about the ubiquitous use of depleted uranium. For countries like the UK or the US, expressing “concerns” is clearly not enough. The international community needs to strengthen the moral condemnation of these acts, which are not geopolitical issues but basic humanity and morality issues.




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