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Boris Johnson May Veto Prosecuting Military Veterans


Is the witch hunt finally over? Boris Johnson May Veto Prosecuting Military Veterans Who Served In Northern Ireland

  • Former soldiers dragged to court for unrest deaths
  • Boris could give the floor to Attorney General Suella Braverman
  • The government is committed to announcing a system for historic military affairs

Boris Johnson could give his attorney general the final say on the prosecution of British troops to end the witch hunt for veterans who served in Northern Ireland.

It would extend the powers of the chief legal counsel after former soldiers, now in their 60s, were brought to court for deaths during the unrest half a century ago.

The government has pledged to announce a system for historic military affairs by Wednesday, 100 days after the general election.

Ministers say prosecuting Attorney General Suella Braverman will allow the government to end prosecutions that are not in the public interest.

Ministers say giving advice to Prosecutor General Suella Braverman (photo) will allow the government to end prosecutions that are not in the public interest.

Ministers say giving advice to Prosecutor General Suella Braverman (photo) will allow the government to end prosecutions that are not in the public interest.

This would allow him to quash the decisions of the Northern Ireland Prosecuting Authority if there was no new evidence and the murder had already done so. Under investigation, the Sunday Telegraph reported yesterday.

A source told the newspaper, "The Prime Minister has committed to ending the prosecution. One way is to withdraw the final decision from prosecutors in Northern Ireland. "

Downing Street and the Department of Defense believe that the prosecution of the soldiers has become too politicized, the source said.

But this claim was denounced by the Northern Ireland Prosecutor's Office (PPSNI), which insists on its fierce independence.

Former soldier Dennis Hutchings, 78, faces trial next week accused of trying to kill a learning disabled man who was shot and killed while on patrol army in County Armagh in 1974

Former soldier Dennis Hutchings, 78, faces trial next week accused of trying to kill a learning disabled man who was shot and killed while on patrol army in County Armagh in 1974

Northern Ireland has its own Attorney General, but is not involved in making the decision on prosecutions. The issue of historical cases has become difficult for the government.

Former soldier Dennis Hutchings, 78, is scheduled to go on trial next week, accused of attempting to kill a learning disabled man who was shot and killed while fleeing a patrol. the army in Armagh County in 1974. Mr. Hutchings, of Cawsand, Cornwall, denies any wrongdoing. He is undergoing kidney dialysis and the trial should be stopped every two or three days for his treatment.

Up to 200 former soldiers are under criminal investigation into allegations of murder and other crimes in the disturbances.

British soldiers on patrol pass a memorial to the IRA hunger strikers in Crossmaglen, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, in September 1985

British soldiers on patrol pass a memorial to the IRA hunger strikers in Crossmaglen, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, in September 1985

The Northern Ireland Office has resisted attempts to end the historic prosecutions of the troops, who fear it will jeopardize peace and cause the collapse of the Assembly, which doesn’t Was reinstated only in January after a three-year suspension.

It is believed that vetoing the Attorney General could be enshrined in law in a matter of weeks.

But he could face a court challenge because he threatens to undermine the independent decision-making of the prosecution.

The FNIHP insisted that decisions be made only on the basis of the evidence presented to it. In six years until 2017, he made “ prosecution decisions '' & amp; # 39; in 19 legacy cases, nine of which involved republican paramilitaries, four involved paramilitary loyalists, three involved former soldiers and the rest involved former police officers.

A spokesperson said he had made "all of his decisions in accordance with the prosecutors' code."

A source said: "It seems very strange to take decision-making away from prosecutors in Northern Ireland because Westminster thinks the process has become too political, and then give the decision to a politically appointed lawyer."


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