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UK is not trying to contain the virus, says Minister for Singapore


Passengers wear protective masks when traveling on an underground train in London on March 15.

Photographer: Tolga Akmen / AFP via Getty Images

The UK and Switzerland are not trying to fight the coronavirus and cases are expected to increase in the coming weeks, said a Singaporean minister.

"One concern that we have in cases like the UK and Switzerland is not just about the numbers. It is that these countries have abandoned any measure to contain or contain the virus," said the minister. of National Development, Lawrence Wong, at a press briefing on Sunday when the island republic imposed two-week self-isolation on arrivals from both countries. "If there is no attempt to contain, we estimate that the number of cases in these countries will increase significantly in the coming days and weeks. "

Read more: UK says anti-virus strategy works by preparing other restrictions

Covid-19 deaths in the UK doubled to 21 on Saturday, while cases jumped 43% to 1140, an increase the government hadn't anticipated, reports told me.

The government of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been criticized for failing to follow other countries by closing schools and banning large rallies to stop the spread of the disease. The UK response rather focused on personal hygiene, the self-isolation of those who think they are sick and the screening and testing of those who have confirmed disease.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said his country's strategy was working and had slowed the rate of increase of the virus. He spoke on Sky News to Defend Johnson's approach as the government prepares to impose new restrictions on daily activities.

UK prepares to brake older people as death toll rises to 35

Switzerland tried to fight the virus by closing schools and banning events with more than 100 people until mid-April. The country The priority now is to increase testing and encourage citizens to protect themselves, said President of Switzerland Simonetta Sommaruga in an interview with SonntagsZeitung.

Elsewhere in Europe, draconian measures are beginning to be deployed as governments tighten border controls to control the spread of the virus.

Germany will close its borders with France, Switzerland and Austria on Monday at 8 a.m. local time, although freight and suburban traffic may still circulate, various media reported. Austria has banned gatherings of more than five people and has said it will close restaurants from Tuesday, while France has announced cuts on domestic transport links by air, train and bus , one day after the closure of non-essential restaurants, cafes and shops. It was after Italy and Spain got stuck and many other governments have already followed suit or are about to do so.

Singapore, on the other hand, was one of the first countries to impose strict restrictions on those with a travel history in mainland China and followed up on the detailed contacts of anyone tested positive. The island nation revoked the work permit of certain foreigners taken to their workplace during a period of compulsory leave and repatriated them.

Singapore appears a litmus test for the containment of coronaviruses

In addition to the United Kingdom and Switzerland, the city-state also added Arrivals from Japan and most of Southeast Asia to the list of countries that require two weeks self-isolation – and that came as the country said on Sunday added 14 new cases of coronavirus, the most in one day.

((Updates to add other European measures to the seventh and eighth paragraphs, new Singapore cases in the last paragraph.)

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