Richard Crozier appointed Scottish Rally Assistant
Motorsport UK has appointed Richard Crozier, an experienced Rally Co-Driver and Rally Clerk of the Course and Steward, to the role of Scotland’s Rallies Assistant.
Crozier began his duties on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 and reports to Jonathan Jackson, Head of Rally and Cross Country within the Sports Department. Jackson joined the organization in February and is Motorsport UK’s main representative on all rally and cross-country matters, focusing on the strategic direction of the rally to ensure its long-term sustainability.
Crozier will play a key role in promoting the success of the rally in the UK, working with Jackson to support the rallying community and acting as Motorsport UK’s representative on Rally Scotland issues.
Crozier’s role also includes regulatory support and development and delivery of national rally events.
In May 2022 Motorsport UK and Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) announced a landmark agreement laying the groundwork for rallies and other motorsport events to continue on Scottish forests by 2030.
Under the agreement, Motorsport UK member clubs may continue to request permission to organize rally and motorsport events and practice sessions on access roads and tracks within the FLS compound. Motorsport UK can also conduct training sessions for event officials and marshals.
Crozier will continue the legacy of the Scottish rallying event by liaising with local agencies and forestry liaisons within his role.
Based in Kinross, Scotland, Crozier started karting in 2001 before moving to racing in 2008 for one season before embarking on a rallying journey in 2009. Motorsport UK Academy Co-Driver Program in 2015/16. He participated in the British Rally Championship from 2017 to 2019 and continues to be active in rally and auto testing.
An active volunteer and organizer, Crozier serves as a marshal and steward in rallies and cross country. He is the Mull Rally Course Clerk and Ulster International Rally Course Breaker and has played many roles in other events.
Commenting on the appointment, Crozier said: “I am delighted to be joining the team at Motorsport UK and working in the field of motorsport that I am passionate about. The Rally of Scotland has a great history and it is important that we use our heritage to ensure a sustainable future for the discipline in Scotland and beyond.
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