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Three UK cinema chains cancel Kerala Story after complaints

Three UK cinema chains cancel Kerala Story after complaints


LONDON: Three cinema chains primarily focused on central England have canceled scheduled screenings of The Kerala Story after receiving complaints from the local Muslim community. The chain brought the film earlier this week in all five theaters that were scheduled to show from Friday in places like Bradford and Walsall. Another independent cinema chain, Reel Cinemas, also canceled screenings in Burnley and Blackburn due to start on Friday. The Midlands chain of Showcase Cinemas said they would show it, then decided not to go ahead. They said they had raised many concerns from the local Muslim community and apologized. One of the chains said it received negative feedback from site administrators and the local Muslim community asked not to screen the film. Cineworld, Odeon, and Vue will continue to show movies, but Cineworld is focusing on less populated areas. Muslims, Varsani said. He was arrested on the night of 19 May after renowned Birmingham activist Shakeel Afsar, son of Najib Afsar, head of the Birmingham-based Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Committee (JKLC), disrupted a screening at Birmingham Cineworld. They said they were concerned about the safety of their employees. This film is propaganda for BJP, RSS Hindutva. Cineworld should be ashamed of itself. We will not accept this kind of propaganda. This movie was made to divide us. He then refused to leave, accusing the audience of being Hindutva supporters and saying the film should be stopped. He threw his fists into the air shouting Free Kashmir and eventually escaped escorted by security guards. The day before the first screening, the manager received a phone call threatening to destroy the theater with 200 people if the film is shown. He reported to the police, was under police protection, and was still examined, but the threats continued. He’s showing it every day. Birmingham’s Cineworld continues. The film grossed 71,000 (Rs 72 lakh) in its first week in the UK after being released on around 30 screens. for threats. It would normally launch on 60-70 screens and I only got half of that. I should have made 150,000 (Rs 1.5 crore) in the first week, but I missed it because of screen limitations. Varsani said he would not make any money from this film. He added that the film has nothing to do with Kashmir or any political party, it is about these girls and what happens to them. Like Cardiff, it could be affected. The controversy over the film was covered by British TV channel GB News. Afsar was invited to speak, as was producer Vipul Shah, who told host Nigel Farage that the film was based on the true story of three girls. According to the UN report, more than 40,000 girls have joined ISIS, and the trailer’s figure of 32,000 is not unique to India, he said.




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