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Chinese pilot made aggressive maneuver near US plane, military says | US Army

Chinese pilot made aggressive maneuver near US plane, military says |  US Army


A Chinese fighter pilot performed an unnecessarily aggressive maneuver near a US surveillance plane operating over the South China Sea last week, according to the US military.

The incident which the Pentagon says is part of a pattern of Chinese behavior comes at a time when tensions between Washington and Beijing are already escalating over issues such as Taiwan and an alleged Chinese spy balloon that was shot after crossing the United States earlier this year.

The Chinese aircraft flew directly ahead of and within 400 feet of the RC-135’s nose, forcing the US aircraft through its wake turbulence on Friday, the Indo-Pacific Command (IndoPaCom) said in a statement.

The RC-135 was conducting safe and routine operations over the South China Sea in international airspace in accordance with international law, the command said.

Declassified video footage shows a fighter jet crossing in front of the US plane, which can be seen shaking from the resulting turbulence.

A senior US defense official says there has been an alarming increase in the number of risky aerial interceptions and clashes at sea by actions of Chinese aircraft and ships that could create a dangerous incident or mistake Calculation.

We do not believe this is done by pilots operating independently, the official said. We believe this is part of a larger pattern.

A similar incident involving a Chinese plane and an American RC-135 occurred in December, forcing the American plane to perform evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision, IndoPaCom said at the time.

News of the latest incident came a day after the Pentagon said Beijing had turned down a US invitation for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to meet his Chinese counterpart in Singapore later this week.

But the senior official said the timing of the announcement was unrelated to China’s refusal of the invitation, explaining that information about the plane incident was subject to the US military declassification process and the American diplomatic communication process.

Austin and other US officials have worked to strengthen alliances and partnerships in Asia as part of efforts to counter Beijing’s increasingly assertive measures, but there have also been tentative signs that the two sides tried to lower the temperature.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi met in Vienna earlier this month, and President Joe Biden said later that ties between Washington and Beijing should thaw very soon.




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