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A network of geothermal power plants could help level the UK | geothermal energy

A network of geothermal power plants could help level the UK |  geothermal energy


A network of underground geothermal power plants is being touted as a way to help level the UK after a report revealed that many of the areas with the greatest geothermal potential are below the towns and cities most in need of investment.

According to an academic study commissioned by No 10, regions designated by the government as part of the level-up agenda are about three times more likely to be untapped energy plentiful on Earth.


Durham University includes Redcar, Cleveland, Middlesbrough, East Lindsey, Hartlepool, Northumberland and Bassetlaw, all of which rank in the top 10 of an index used by governments to identify areas of local authority that need to be leveled up. .

Other areas suitable for geothermal and electricity production include Newcastle upon Tyne, North East Derbyshire, East Riding of Yorkshire and Nottingham.

Harnessing geothermal energy requires drilling boreholes to a depth of about 2 to 3 miles, allowing cold water to flow at low pressure through hot rock beneath the earth’s surface. A second borehole returns warm water to the surface, which can be used to heat homes and businesses or generate electricity.

Kieran Mullan MP, lead author of the report, said the strong overlap between areas in need of investment and top geothermal locations was unexpected but could give the government another reason to reconsider supporting renewable energy technologies.

Unlike wind or solar, this technology provides a base load and is continuously present. And our expertise in drilling in the North Sea means we’re well positioned to get ahead, Mullan said.

Britain’s early stages of geothermal energy include the Seaham project in County Durham, which uses water from abandoned mines to heat 1,500 new homes and offices, as well as the Eden project in Cornwall, which generates heat to warm the Edens rainforest and Mediterranean biome. plan is included. , kitchen and conservatory.

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Theoretically, the UK has enough geothermal energy underground to heat every home for 100 years. Even by conservative estimates accounting for realistic commercial and logistical limits, geothermal energy could help the UK reduce fossil fuel imports and rely solely on the North Sea for gas.

But there has been much stronger government intervention across Europe to support those countries’ nascent deep geothermal industries, so we have to catch up, Mullan said.

Iceland is rich in deep geothermal energy due to its unique geology, but Western European countries are increasingly using geothermal energy to help produce green heating.

More than 250,000 homes in Paris already rely on geothermal heating, and the German government has committed to spending 1 billion (860 m) to create 100 geothermal projects before 2035.

Rishi Sunak said the report will help the government decide whether there is a greater role for deep geothermal energy in the UK economy.

We made rapid transition to domestic renewable electricity and made energy security a key priority. Success will depend on pulling every lever at our disposal, the Prime Minister said.




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