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Wednesday preview: Will UK inflation rise again?

Wednesday preview: Will UK inflation rise again?
Wednesday preview: Will UK inflation rise again?


Updated UK inflation figures are due to be published on Wednesday 14 February, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) expected to rise by 4% year-on-year (year-on-year), with the monthly figures showing a very slight decline.

This data covers January 2024, making it the first inflation-focused data set of the year.

After a period of falling inflation, December's figures showed a surprise increase in CPI to 4% from 3.9% in November. This unnerved UK stock markets and expectations of a rate cut in 2024, but it wasn't really unexpected as the same trend was already evident in the US and the Eurozone.

The CPI hit 11.1% in October 2022 and fell again to 3.9% in November 2023. Given the pace of disinflation, a slight rise should also be considered. But with inflation at twice the Bank of England's target of 2%, it's still a challenge for policymakers and governments preparing for elections.

What is driving UK inflation?

Alcohol and tobacco were the driving factors behind inflation in December data released in January. After January's cold snap, you may be hit with energy bills this time around. Oil prices also rose in January as various geopolitical events led to supply shortages, but gasoline and diesel prices have not moved much since the beginning of the year. The chart below gives you an idea of ​​the various components of the CPI basket and how they have changed.

On February 1, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey made a surprise prediction at a press conference after the monetary policy report that inflation this year would begin to fall towards target in the spring.

This is good news for those seeking interest rate cuts. However, by the end of the year it will start to rise again to 2.75%. What's the bad news for homeowners eager for a return to ultra-affordable mortgages? Inflation will not reach target until 2026. You may recall that this target has already been changed from 2024 to 2025.

The bank accused energy prices of being driven by global trends as well as domestic factors.

“CPI is expected to temporarily fall to the 2% target in the second quarter of 2024 before rising again in the third and fourth quarters.”

“The inflation profile in the second half of the year is explained by a less negative direct energy price contribution to 12-month inflation.

“This reflects continued domestic inflationary pressures despite the deepening economic downturn. CPI inflation is expected to be 2.3% in two years and 1.9% in three years.”

When will UK interest rates fall?

It has become customary for journalists to ask the MPC when interest rate cuts will begin and receive a measured response. The bank is prepared to cut interest rates but remains concerned about continued inflation. Bailey said “things are moving in the right direction” but countered that “we're not there yet.”

A request for response: “When?” And the “yet” will undoubtedly stop at the first rate cut. Markets are currently expecting a rate cut in June, a month ahead of the Federal Reserve, which is ahead of the rest of the world on its rate-cutting path.

After the February rate decision and meeting, headlines focused on how the “door” to a rate cut was “open.” This ignores the fact that both members of the MPC voted for a 25 basis point rate increase. British editor Ollie Smith made a contrarian argument for another hike in a 'what if' video last week. Perhaps the bank has more rate hikes left in it this cycle? Certainly, this was not on the investment bank's agenda when it compiled its forecasts for the year ahead in December 2023.

The inflation situation is similar across the world, with Japan being an exception. At least in the West, inflation has fallen sharply from its 2022 highs but is still too high for central banks to yet embark on monetary easing, which could effectively reverse the recent sharp rate hikes seen in 2022 and 2023. At the Federal Reserve meeting in late January, interest rate cut expectations were postponed from March to May, and the European Central Bank (ECB) gave no hint as to when interest rates might fall.

Article by James Gard, chart by Sunniva Kolostyak

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