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Boris Johnson promises new law to prevent Britons from being deported and new package for workers The Sun


BORIS Johnson has promised a new law to prevent the British from being deported and new aid for low-wage workers during the coronavirus crisis.

PM told MPs that tough new measures would be put in place to support workers – and promised that no one would be deported during the crisis.

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    Boris Johnson faced with questions from PMQ
Boris Johnson faced with questions from PMQ

He revealed during PMQ this afternoon: "I can indeed confirm that we will be proposing legislation to protect private tenants from evictions."

"Regardless of their situation, we must ensure that workers receive the support they need.

"We will work with unions, with colleagues across the house, on new measures to support workers of all kinds throughout this crisis."

Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, 70, is also on the dock despite being part of the British at-risk group.

President Linsday Hoyle told MPs that there were "significantly" fewer people in the House today.

He said to them, "We are all doing our best to keep Parliament in place and follow public health recommendations"

Boris also revealed that Britain is stepping up measures to test 25,000 people a day for the deadly virus in the future – but has not said when.

The NHS currently tests around 5,000 people a day, but only intensive care patients and cluster outbreaks are tested.

The Prime Minister said that Britain was approaching a test for people who would show if they already had the disease too.

The number of members admitted to the House of Commons while the PM faces questions has been reduced significantly.

Deputy Chief Government Whip Stewart Andrew told members of the House in an email that access to the House of Commons during the PMQ would be limited to anyone on the Order Paper.

    MPs Allowed to Enter the House of Commons Restricted in Light of Coroanvirus
MPs Allowed to Enter the House of Commons Restricted in Light of Coroanvirus
    MPs stepped aside to limit spread of coronavirus
MPs stepped aside to limit spread of coronavirus


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Boris canceled the mass rallies earlier this week, which has led many to question whether the presence of around 650 MPs in the House of Commons would spread the deadly virus to Westminster.

The Prime Minister will continue to show his face in public as the country calls for answers and information on COVID-19 and the cases rise to 1,950, with 71 deaths.

A nine month old baby is one of the last confirmed cases.

A 45-year-old man became the youngest Briton to be killed by the virus.

The PM also gives daily television press briefings with his chief medical officers of health to ensure that the British can easily access the latest information.

Drastic measures taken to slow the spread of the virus include

  • social isolation and distance work for all
  • People over 70 or with serious health problems should distance themselves from others for 12 weeks starting this weekend
  • directions to avoid pubs, clubs, restaurants and theaters

The government has also brought in a massive $ 330 billion to save the UK economy, including cash injections of up to 25,000 for small businesses.

    Coronavirus spread continues in the UK
Coronavirus spread continues in the UK

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