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Wrestling in the United States | Men's Freestyle Pre-Seeds Released for U.S. Olympic Team Selection Wrestling

Wrestling in the United States |  Men's Freestyle Pre-Seeds Released for U.S. Olympic Team Selection Wrestling
Wrestling in the United States |  Men's Freestyle Pre-Seeds Released for U.S. Olympic Team Selection Wrestling


2024 US Olympic Team Trials Wrestling | April 19 and 20, Bryce Jordan Center, State College, Pennsylvania.

Men's freestyle pre-seed

57 kg

Challenge Tournament

1. Zane Richards (WC Illini/Titan Mercury WC)

2. Thomas Gilman (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

3. Daton Fix (Cowboy WC/Titan Mercury WC)

4. Spencer Lee (Hawkeye WC/Titan Mercury WC)

5. Nico Megaludis (Pitt WC/Titan Mercury WC)

6. Nick Suriano (Sunkist Children's Toilet)

7. Liam Cronin (Nebraska WTC)

8. Daniel DeShazer (Gopher WC-RTC)

9. Luke Lilledahl (X-Calibur athletics CM)

10. Jax Forrest (Bishop McCourt)

11. Marcus Blaze (Perrysburg CM)

65 kg

Challenge Tournament Semi-Final

Zain Retherford (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

Challenge Tournament

1. Nick Lee (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

2. Yianni Diakomihalis (Spartan Combat RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

3. James Green (Nebraska WTC/Titan Mercury WC)

4. Andrew Alirez (Northern Colorado RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

5. Beau Bartlett (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

6. Joseph McKenna (Pennsylvania RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

7. Kaleb Larkin (Sunkist Children's Toilet)

8. Seth Gross (Wisconsin RTC/Sunkist Kids WC)

9. Alec Pantaleo (Cliff Keen WC/Titan Mercury WC)

10. Matthew Kolodzik (New Jersey RTC/New York AC)

11. Jesse Mendez (Ohio RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

12. Nahshon Garrett (Lehigh Valley CM/Titan Mercury CM)

74 kg

Best-of-three championship series

Kyle Dake (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

Challenge Tournament

1. Jordan Burroughs (Pennsylvania RTC/Sunkist Kids WC)

2. Jason Nolf (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

3. Keegan OToole (tiger style toilet)

4. Quincy Monday (New Jersey RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

5. Mitchell Mesenbrink (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

6. Meyer Shapiro (RTC Spartan Combat)

7. Vincenzo Joseph (Sunkist children's toilet)

8. Alex Marinelli (Hawkeye WC/Titan Mercury WC)

9. Alex Facundo (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

10. Levi Haines (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

11. Tyler Berger (Pennsylvania RTC/Sunkist Kids WC)

12. Jarrett Jacques (Tiger style WC)

13. Ladarion Lockett (WC Cowboy)

86 kg

Best-of-three championship series

David Taylor (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

Challenge Tournament Semi-Final

Zahid Valencia (Sunkist children's toilet)

Challenge Tournament

1. Aaron Brooks (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

2. Chance Marsteller (New York RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

3. Trent Hidlay (Wolfpack RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

4. Alex Dieringer (Cliff Keen WC/Titan Mercury WC)

5. Mark Hall (Pennsylvania RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

6. Carter Starocci (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

7. Maxwell Dean (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

8. David McFadden (Pennsylvania RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

9. Connor Mirasola (Askren Wrestling Academy)

10. Evan Wick (SoCal RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

11. Patrick Downey (Sanford MMA)


Best-of-three championship series

Kyle Snyder (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

Challenge Tournament

1. Jden Cox (Cliff Keen WC/Titan Mercury WC)

2. Isaac Trumble (Wolfpack RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

3. Michael Macchiavello (Lehigh Valley CM/Titan Mercury CM)

4. Kollin Moore (Ohio RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

5. Nathan Jackson (New Jersey RTC/New York AC)

6. Jonathan Aiello (Cavalier WC/Titan Mercury WC)

7. Eric Schultz (Nebraska WTC)

8. Anthony Cassioppi (Hawkeye WC/Titan Mercury WC)

9. Christian Carroll (Cowboy WC/Titan Mercury WC)


Best-of-three championship series

Mason Parris (Cliff Keen WC/Titan Mercury WC)

Challenge Tournament

1. Hayden Zillmer (Gopher WC-RTC)

2. Nick Gwiazdowski (Spartan Combat RTC/Titan Mercury WC)

3. Greg Kerkvliet (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC)

4. Dominique Bradley (Sunkist children's toilet)

5. Wyatt Hendrickson (Air Force RTC)

6. Christian Lance (Sunkist children's toilet)

7. Gary Traub (Cowboy WC/Titan Mercury WC)

8. Demetrius Thomas (Pitt WC)

9. Trent Hillger (Gopher WC-RTC)

10. Jaron Smith (Orange Crush)




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