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Boris Johnson's daughter Lara Lettice wears a surgical mask and says "prevention is better than cure"


Boris Johnsons' eldest daughter went to Instagram to post a photo of her wearing a medical mask, saying the shed was more secure than sorry in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.

Dressed in an elegant green top and black jacket, Lara Lettice Johnson-Wheeler is looking at the camera, captioned the photo: Pre-isolation limbo.

The 27-year-old woman, who has 1,663 subscribers on the social media platform, told MailOnline that she had not yet contracted the virus but wanted to take appropriate precautions, adding: better prevent than cure.

His approach is in direct contrast to the 79-year-old father of Prime Minister Stanley who insisted with challenge: "Of course, I will go to the pub!"

Lara Lettice went to Instagram to post a photo of her wearing a medical mask, saying the hangar is more secure than sorry in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic

Lara Lettice went to Instagram to post a photo of her wearing a medical mask, saying the hangar is more secure than sorry in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic

The 27-year-old woman (pictured with her grandmother Charlotte Johnson Wahl and her father in 2014), who has 1,663 subscribers on the social media platform, told MailOnline that she hadn't not yet contracted the virus but wanted to take appropriate precautions, adding: better sure than sorry

The 27-year-old woman (pictured with her grandmother Charlotte Johnson Wahl and her father in 2014), who has 1,663 subscribers on the social media platform, told MailOnline that she hadn't not yet contracted the virus but wanted to take appropriate precautions, adding: better sure than sorry

His approach is in direct contrast to the 79-year-old father of Prime Minister Stanley who insisted with challenge: "Of course, I will go to the pub!"

His approach is in direct contrast to the 79-year-old father of Prime Minister Stanley who insisted with challenge: "Of course, I will go to the pub!"

Her photo was included in a series of images and videos showing her walking through the fallen flower in new shoes and having fun with friends.

Johnson-Wheeler released the image just hours before her father, the Prime Minister, held a crisis press conference to discuss the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic.

The British must now avoid unnecessary social contact, said Johnson, avoid traveling and working from home if possible.

Mrs. Johnson-Wheeler, whose mother Marina recently divorced the Prime Minister, works as a writer, editor and broadcaster and lives in London.

She was educated at the Bedales School of 33,000 students a year at Petersfield, which is known for her liberal and free-spirited approach to education. Her mother attended the same school.

Ms. Johnson-Wheeler has three siblings: Milo Arthur, Cassia Peaches and Theodore Apollo.

Her grandfather Stanley made headlines earlier this week after making his controversial daytime television statements.

Yesterday, when he appeared on This Morning, the 79-year-old said he would ignore his son's advice to avoid social venues.

Mrs. Johnson-Wheeler (photo last year) released the image just hours before her father, the Prime Minister, held a crisis press conference to discuss the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic

Mrs. Johnson-Wheeler (photo last year) released the image just hours before her father, the Prime Minister, held a crisis press conference to discuss the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic

The British must now avoid unnecessary social contact, said Johnson, avoid traveling and working from home if possible.

The British must now avoid unnecessary social contact, said Johnson, avoid traveling and working from home if possible.

Of course, I go to the pub if I need to go to a pub, he said, disregarding official advice to the contrary.

Asked about the circumstances under which it would be necessary to visit a pub, he replied:

Well, because the people who run pubs need a few people. They don't want people to be in the pub at all. This is my line.

The former ex-candidate Im A Celebrity is in the most vulnerable population in the country for Covid-19 infection, due to his age.

This week, the Prime Minister announced that entire households would have to isolate themselves if a family member fell ill.

In addition, all unnecessary socialization and displacement should stop and people should work from home if possible.

Lara Lettice's grandfather, Stanley, made headlines earlier this week after making his controversial statements on daytime television. Yesterday, during an appearance this morning, he said he would ignore his son's advice to avoid social places

Lara Lettice's grandfather, Stanley, made headlines earlier this week after making his controversial statements on daytime television. Yesterday, during an appearance this morning, he said he would ignore his son's advice to avoid social places

Last night, the coronavirus pandemic claimed what is considered to be its youngest British victim.

Craig Ruston, 45, of Kettering, Northamptonshire, died Tuesday at 6:20 a.m. after his family spent six days in solitary confinement.

Mr Ruston has been suffering from motor neuron disease since 2018. The youngest British victim is said to have been Nick Matthews, 59, who died on Saturday in Bristol.

The national death toll is now 71, with 1,950 positive cases. However, Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific advisor (GCSA), told the Health Select Committee yesterday that the actual number of those infected could be between 55,000 and 71,000.

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