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PM: UK and Germany open new chapter in defense partnership

PM: UK and Germany open new chapter in defense partnership
PM: UK and Germany open new chapter in defense partnership


Scholz and chancellor will hold talks in Berlin on common issues including security, trade and illegal migration. Britain and Germany are set to launch a new joint industrial program to develop artillery systems. German companies have announced investments worth more than $8 billion in the UK.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is scheduled to meet German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin today. [Wednesday] Deepen our defense and security cooperation.

As a first step, the UK and Germany will announce plans for a joint effort to develop a remotely controlled howitzer 155 mm wheeled artillery system (RCH 155) to be mounted on Boxer vehicles.

The joint program is expected to create hundreds of jobs in the UK and Germany while equipping our armed forces with combat-winning capabilities for future ground warfare.

This follows the British Prime Minister's visit to Poland on Tuesday, where he held talks with Prime Minister Tusk and NATO Secretary-General and announced plans to increase UK defense spending to a historic 2.5% of GDP by 2030.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said:

Britain and Germany are European powers. Whether defending against Russian aggression or driving economic growth and technological advancement, we are stronger together.

Today we are opening a new chapter in our relationship, one that will make us safer and more prosperous. At this perilous moment for the world, Britain and Germany stand side by side to safeguard the security and prosperity at home and across the continent.

The two leaders will also discuss cooperation in the energy and renewable energy fields, including green hydrogen exports from the UK and Germany, and joint efforts to eradicate organized immigration crime.

The United Kingdom and Germany are Europe's two largest economies, and Germany is the continent's largest trading partner, with bilateral trade amounting to $147.7 billion last year.

The Prime Minister will today meet with leading companies in Berlin to push for further economic cooperation as German companies announced $8 billion of new investment in the UK.

German energy company RWE has confirmed its intention to invest more than 8 billion (6.9 billion won) in the UK by the end of this year, while E.ON Energy plans to invest $1 billion in the UK over the next five years to create a green environment. Energy transition.

RWE CEO Dr. Markus Krebber said:

The UK has been one of RWE's most important core markets for decades. We are committed to continuing to contribute to the UK’s ambitious renewable energy and decarbonization targets. We plan to invest a further $8 billion in the UK by the end of this year in commercially viable projects.

Uniper, another leading German energy company, will also build gas-fired power plants, solar and wind power plants, energy storage systems, and hydrogen production units in its key markets of Germany and the UK by 2030.

Additional information

Built on the Boxer armored personnel carrier chassis, the RCH 155 can fire up to nine 155mm artillery rounds per minute and offers a powerful mix of tactical and operational mobility.

The shells can reach a distance of approximately 40 km and the RCH 155 is the world's first howitzer that can fire while on the move. This means it's more versatile at dodging cannon fire.

The program has the potential to bring significant economic benefits to the UK, including component construction creating hundreds of UK jobs from more than 100 UK-based subcomponent suppliers supporting the wider Boxer programme.

Here is the full list of investments announced today by German companies in the UK:

RWE (Energy Investment)

German energy company RWE plans to invest a further $8 billion in the UK by the end of 2010.

E.ON (Energy Investment)

German energy company E.ON will continue its record of significant investments in the UK by investing $1 billion over the next five years.

Siemens Healthineers (life science investment)

Siemens Healthineers has announced plans to build a new biomarker production facility in Bedfordshire. The facility represents an investment of more than $20 million and could create up to 40 highly skilled jobs.

Patrizia (real estate capital investment)

German property investment manager Patrizia will invest a further $140 million in urban logistics in Greater London over the next 18 months. These investments will lead to the creation of additional jobs and contribute to the modernization of London's city infrastructure.

HyImpulse (space investment)

German space startup HyImpulse plans to invest up to $50 million in the UK over the next three years. The investment will create 70 jobs at a new engineering office in Glasgow and develop the company's launch capabilities at Scottish spaceport Saxa Vord.

Siemens Healthineers (life science investment)

German life sciences company Siemens Healthineers has announced plans to build a new biomarker production facility in Bedfordshire. The facility will see an investment of more than $20 million and create up to 40 highly skilled jobs.




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