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British government announces $620 million more in military support for Ukraine

British government announces $620 million more in military support for Ukraine


LONDON The British government has pledged to significantly increase arms spending on Ukraine as Chancellor Rishi Sunak begins a two-day visit to Germany and Poland.

The $500 million ($620 million) arms package was added to Britain's pledge in January to provide $2.5 billion in funding this financial year to supply Kiev with a variety of military equipment.

The latest replenishment will give the UK additional Storm Shadow strike missiles, air defense weapons, hundreds of armored vehicles, four million rounds of small arms ammunition, drones, boats and other equipment.

The arms package is being billed as the largest ever delivered to Kiev by Britain since its invasion of Russia began.

Ensuring Ukraine's victory is the most important thing we can do for global peace and security. That's why we're increasing our support. It would provide Ukraine with $500 million in military assistance and its largest equipment package ever. Sunak said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Sunak will meet new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on April 23 before traveling to Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.


The promise of a new arms package for Ukraine could be the first of several defense-related announcements made by Britain.

Sunaks' office has already briefed the media that it will propose deploying a squadron of RAF Typhoon fighter jets to Poland in the coming months.

Britain's move to increase defense spending on Ukraine to $3 billion this year is the second increase to Kiev's dwindling arms stocks in the past few days.

After months of political wrangling, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a $61 billion aid bill to supply Ukraine with new weapons.

The bill still needs to be approved by the Senate, but approval is expected within this week.

Britain continues to provide large amounts of military aid to Ukraine but is under growing pressure to spend more on domestic defense as the second-largest European arms supplier after German leaders.

Politicians, even Sunak government cabinet ministers, military officers and the media, have called for an immediate increase in spending from the current level of just over 2 per cent to 2.5 per cent of total domestic spending.

Sunak announced during a visit to Poland that the government would do this, targeting 2030 as the year to reach a higher rate of defense spending.

Under the plan, defense spending is expected to increase by $75 billion over the next six years. Previously the government had only said it would spend more as the economy allowed.

Sunak, speaking alongside Stoltenberg in Warsaw, said the strengthening would give Britain the largest defense force in Europe and was a generational investment in British security.

Also part of the plan is to invest in ammunition production worth $10 billion, Sunak said. “We will put Britain’s defense industry on a war footing and promise companies a long-term commitment to government purchases,” he said.

Rudy Ruitenberg in Paris contributed to this report.

Editor's note: This article has been updated since publication to include new defense spending plans announced by British Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Andrew Chuter is Defense News' UK correspondent.




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