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Ben Habib, Britain's deputy leader for reform, said Britain must absolutely allow migrants to drown in the Channel.

Ben Habib, Britain's deputy leader for reform, said Britain must absolutely allow migrants to drown in the Channel.


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Nigel Farages, deputy leader of Reform UK, sparked outrage after saying Britain should never allow migrants to drown in the English Channel.

Wellingborough parliamentary candidate Ben Habib said in an interview on Wednesday that asylum seekers trying to reach the UK in small boats should face the consequences.

A day after a seven-year-old girl was among five migrants who died after being crushed by an overcrowded boat while trying to cross the English Channel, Mr Habib was asked about the small boat issue by TalkTV's Julia Hartley-Brewer. .

Ben Habib told Julia Hartley-Brewer on TalkTV (TalkTV/X):

“Let’s not infantilize these people,” Mr. Habib said. “They have free will.” I will not be held to ransom for their claim that they are entitled to protection as soon as they enter our territorial waters.

If they decide to clean that ship, then yes. They must suffer the consequences of their actions.

Mr. Hartley-Brewer asked. So would you let them drown?

Of course, he answered. We cannot infantilize them to the point where we become hostages to our luck.

Responding to his remarks, Mr Hartley-Brewer said: Ben, there is no doubt that it is a policy that will work quite well. But this is not a policy that any civilized nation should support.

Regarding this, Mr. Habib asked: Why is that uncivilized Julia?

Mr Habib's comments were criticized on social media.

Mr Habib said asylum seekers must suffer for their actions (PA).

Author Michael Volpe OBE wrote about X: As I constantly point out, these people are ready for anything. If possible, you can do anything. Reform, Braverman et al. We must understand what we are dealing with, and that history will quickly repeat itself. Savagery is their instinct.

And Byline News co-founder Peter Jukes tweeted: When Katy Hopkins said the same thing about shooting refugees out of the water, she was fired from her Sun column. Now, six years later, politics has become so corrupt that it may become the policy of the party and the policy of its leaders. That's how far we have sunk.

A Reform spokesman said: Our policy is clear and simple. Pick it up and take it safely to France. Ben was having a conceptual discussion about border defense theory. Our policy will stop ships and save lives.

Reform UK was founded as the Brexit Party by Mr Farage, who has since stepped down as leader. It is currently ranked third in the opinion polls and has more support than the Liberal Democrats, taking 12% of the vote.

The interview took place after Mr Sunak's Rwandan deportation bill finally passed parliament, with the prime minister promising to send asylum seekers to the East African country within 10 to 12 weeks.

The bill is a key plank of the Prime Minister's promise to stop boats from running at record highs so far this year.




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