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British police arrest 3 over 5 deaths in English Channel | refugee news

British police arrest 3 over 5 deaths in English Channel |  refugee news


The death occurred after panic broke out as a small boat carrying 112 people set out to cross the strait.

British police said they had arrested three men on suspicion of the deaths of five people, including a child, who died trying to cross the English Channel from France.

The deaths occurred as a small vessel carrying 112 people set out to cross one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, sparking panic among passengers not far from shore.

Rescuers rescued about 50 people and four were taken to hospital, but the rest decided to stay on the ship and go to England.

Three men – two Sudanese nationals aged 22 and 19 and a South Sudanese aged 22 – were detained on Tuesday night on suspicion of facilitating illegal immigration and entering the UK illegally, the National Crime Agency (NCA) said.

NCA Deputy Director of Investigations Craig Turner said this tragic incident once again demonstrates the threat to life posed by these crossings and highlights why it is so important to target the criminal gangs involved in organizing them.

Together with our partners in the UK and France, we will do our best to secure evidence, identify those responsible for this incident and bring them to justice.

The NCA said French police were also investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident along with British police.

It was revealed that 55 people believed to have been on board the ship that arrived in the UK have also been identified.

More than 6,000 people have arrived in Britain this year in small, overloaded boats – usually flimsy inflatable boats – that risk being swept away by waves as they try to reach British shores.

Tuesday's fatal crossing happened just hours after Parliament passed legislation paving the way for asylum seekers who arrived in the UK without permission to be deported to Rwanda.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak claims the policy will stop people making dangerous cross-Channel travel.

Critics say the plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda rather than process them at home is inhumane, citing concerns about the East African country's human rights record and the risk that asylum seekers could be sent back to countries where they are at risk.

Since 2018, more than 120,000 people fleeing war and poverty in Africa, the Middle East and Asia have arrived in the UK across the English Channel in small boats in trips organized by smuggling gangs.

Last year, 29,437 asylum seekers came from Afghanistan, according to the Refugee Council. One in five of them were from Afghanistan.




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