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Britain's defense secretary said Ukraine would increase long-range attacks against Russia.

Britain's defense secretary said Ukraine would increase long-range attacks against Russia.


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The British military commander said Ukraine would increase its long-range attacks inside Russia as Western military support flows in to help Kiev wage its war in a much more forceful manner.

Admiral Tony Radakin acknowledged the gloom surrounding Ukraine's defense in an interview with the Financial Times, acknowledging that Ukraine faces an uphill battle to repel advancing Russian forces.

But the British defense secretary, a key figure in Western military support for Kiev, emphasized that such bleak snapshots of the war failed to recognize more long-term trends favorable to Kiev.

He said this included the latest military aid package from the United States and Europe, Ukraine's increasingly successful long-range offensives and Moscow's failure to block Kiev's vital grain exports through the Black Sea.

The risks of snapshots include: [ignores] “Where we are now is where we will be in a few years,” Radakin told the FT. He added that people need to stop glorifying Russia and that it is important to believe that Russia has a huge advantage in some way.

During the nearly six-month suspension of U.S. funding for Kiev that ended this week, Russian forces have continued to attack Ukraine with heavy artillery, missiles and drones, making limited territorial gains.

To regain control over Moscow's massive army, Ukrainian commanders have pleaded with the West to provide more long-range, advanced weapons. Kiev has also attempted increasingly ambitious strikes against production facilities and energy infrastructure inside Russia.

In a significant push toward Ukraine, Washington withdrew its reservations about providing Ukraine with long-range Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles and secretly sent a batch with a range of 300 kilometers earlier this month. U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Wednesday that “we have additional authority and money, so more money will be sent.” I believe it will make a difference.

But after a long debate, US President Joe Biden instructed the White House team to allow the long-range system to be used within Ukraine's sovereign territory.

Radakin, by contrast, expressed no complaints about Ukraine's attacks and sabotage inside Russia.

As Ukraine gains more capabilities in long-range combat…its ability to continue deep operations will [increasingly] Radakin said it had become a hallmark of the war, adding: It definitely works.

The British government pledged this week to increase defense spending from 2.3% to 2.5% of national income. It also increased military aid to Kiev to $3 billion a year and, crucially, signed long-term contracts with defense suppliers.

You can moan why this is happening [the long-term contracts] That hasn't happened before, he said, but some things take time. Swiping aside environmental, social and governance investment guidance, he added that the notion that investment in the UK's defense industry was unethical was offensive.

Radakin said these long-term supply contracts allowed the British Ministry of Defense to delve deeper into its own stockpiles and hand over more capabilities to Kiev, including more than 1,600 strike and anti-aircraft missiles and another tranche of long-range Storm Shadow cruisers. missile.

After months of uncertainty about Ukraine's western strategy, Radakin spoke optimistically about the situation, with all NATO countries talking about spending more money.

But even Ukraine said the latest aid would go a long way in stabilizing the worsening situation. I know this is all less comfortable if you are in Kiev, Radakin admitted. It must also be acknowledged that Russia is now able to carry out more effective long-range attacks than last year.

Radakin also dismissed criticism that the West had no comprehensive, glorious plan for how to help Kiev win, and instead provided only enough military support to prevent defeat.

Radakin said he doesn't expect anyone to say publicly that this is the plan and that A, B and C will now happen. Some elements of Ukraine's military approach will be hidden, some will be determined by tactical or operational advantages, and some will depend on more fundamental aspects, he said.

Radakin said some of these factors will mature much stronger next year than they did this year. But they will enable the formation of Ukraine [the fighting] In a much more powerful way than before.

Additional reporting by Felicia Schwartz in Washington




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