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US Congress writes to F1 regarding Andretti's exclusion

US Congress writes to F1 regarding Andretti's exclusion


The US Congress has written to Formula 1 demanding an explanation for its decision to reject Andretti's bid to join the grid until 2028 at the earliest.

The letter, signed by a dozen members of Congress, raised “concerns about apparent anticompetitive actions that could prevent two American companies, Andretti Global and General Motors (GM), from producing and competing in Formula One.”

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Andretti's hopes of becoming an F1 team in a technical partnership with GM brand Cadillac in 2025 or 2026 were dashed by Formula One Management (FOM) earlier this year.

The offer had already been approved by motor racing's governing body the FIA, although Andretti needed a commercial rights deal with the FOM to compete.

Andretti's application to join F1 in 2028 has been rejected. Getty

In rejecting the offer, F1 said it did not believe Andretti would be competitive in such a short space of time or that it would add value to the championship.

F1 has left the door open for Andretti's entry by 2028 if he can convince General Motors to build its own engine rather than enter solely as a technical partner.

Mario Andretti, the 1978 world champion and son of team leader Michael Andretti, visited Capitol Hill on Wednesday to support the letter.

Ahead of Sunday's Miami Grand Prix, the letter raised three questions the series needed to answer.

“Under the Concorde Agreement, the governing document of Formula 1, up to 12 teams can participate. Currently, 10 teams participate in Formula 1 races. Previously, the FIA ​​launched and conducted a comprehensive application process in the aim to allow one or more potential teams to participate to join the Formula 1 racing series. Andretti Global, with its partner GM, submitted an application, and after receiving four applications, the FIA ​​approved Andretti Global. under what authority does the FOM proceed to reject Andretti Global's admission, particularly as it relates to Andretti Global and its partner GM which could be the first racing team owned and built in the United States? ?

“The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 prohibits unreasonable restrictions on market competition in order to produce the best result for the American consumer. How does the FOM denial of Andretti Global and GM, American companies, fit Is it with the requirements of the Sherman Act, since the decision will benefit the historical operators European racing teams and their foreign automobile manufacturing subsidiaries?

“We understand that GM intends to reintroduce its Cadillac brand to the European market, which would support thousands of good-paying American automotive jobs, especially given the global audience of Formula 1 and its halo effect on its teams and sponsors To what extent has GM and Andretti's entry into motor racing by taking some of the racing market share and GM's entry into the. European market by taking market share each play in the decision to refuse admission to the Andretti Global team, given the public outcry from existing Formula 1 teams against a new American competitor?




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