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Boris Johnson says England will close its schools due to a pandemic


Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister, speaks during a daily coronavirus briefing inside Number 10 Downing Street in London, UK, Tuesday March 17, 2020.


The British government announced on Wednesday that it plans to close schools in England following the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking at the government's daily press conference on the coronavirus epidemic, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: "Looking at where we are now, we now think we need to put more pressure down on this upward curve by closing schools. "

"So, I can announce today that after the schools close on Friday afternoon, they will remain closed for the vast majority of students until further notice."

This comes shortly after Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland announced that their schools would close on Friday. All schools and colleges in the Republic of Ireland have also been closed.

"This means that the exams will not take place as scheduled in May and June, but we will make sure that students get the qualifications they need and deserve for their university careers," said Johnson.

As of Wednesday, the UK had more than 2,600 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 72 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

On Tuesday, the UK finance minister announced a $ 330 billion ($ 398 billion) aid package of business loans, as well as business leave and grants.

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak said the government "would support jobs … support revenues and we will support businesses … we will do whatever it takes", he said.

"This means that all businesses that need access to cash … will be able to access a government-supported loan," he said. Sunak noted that the scale of government intervention in the economy was "unimaginable" just a few weeks ago.

Avoid unnecessary contact

The UK government has been accused of being overly cautious with its approach to the epidemic.

When asked why the government had decided not to impose a foreclosure on the City of London, as some expected, Johnson replied: "We have always said we would take the right ones measurements at the right time ".

On Wednesday, Wales and Scotland announced the closure of their schools at the end of the week, pressuring the London government to follow suit. Those in Scotland could remain closed until the summer break, said Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Schools in England are already under pressure due to the staff shortage caused by the virus.

On Monday, Johnson stepped up UK advice to citizens, telling them to avoid unnecessary social contact and to stop going to restaurants, clubs, pubs and theaters.

The pound slipped to $ 1.1459 on Wednesday to reach its lowest point since October 2016, as liquidity problems exploded the dollar and hammered currencies around the world.

The pound fell more than 4% on the session to reach its lowest point since 1985, with the exception of a nighttime "crash" in October 2016 which reduced the pound to 1.1450 $.

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