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USA Gymnastics suspends Victoria Levine, co-owner of Maggie Haney's gymnasium in New Jersey – Orange County Register


USA Gymnastics suspended a second coach at the New Jersey gymnastics club which employed Maggie Haney, the coach of the Olympic and world champions, who is currently under investigation for verbal and emotional abuse of young athletes.

Victoria Levine, trainer and co-owner of MG Elite, was provisionally suspended by USA Gymnastics on Tuesday and banned from having unsupervised contact with underage athletes as the organization investigates allegations of verbal and emotional against it.

The investigation was prompted by allegations made by parents of MG Elite gymnasts and by testimony from USA Gymnastics' ongoing hearing of verbal and emotional abuse against Haney.

Haney was provisionally suspended and barred from having any contact with underage athletes on February 3, the first day of the U.S. gymnastics hearing.

Olympic champion Laurie Hernandez and at least half a dozen families have filed a complaint with USA Gymnastics against Haney, according to documents from USA Gymnastics and six people familiar with the cases.

Russell Prince, a lawyer for Haney, described the allegations against her as manifestly false.

Hernandez reported complaints against Haney to Rhonda Faehn, then senior vice president of USA Gymnastics for the women's program, shortly after the 2016 Olympics.

Haney allegedly screamed, swore, threatened, intimidated and harassed gymnasts regularly, according to USA Gymnastics documents and interviews with six people familiar with the complaints. Haney also told injured gymnasts to remove the casts and continue training and competing, according to USA Gymnastics documents and interviews.

Hernandez's success has propelled Haney, a former gymnast from the state of North Carolina, onto the world stage. Hernandez was a member of the 2016 Olympic gold medalist team and also won a silver medal on the beam at the Rio de Janeiro Games.

She is currently training at Gym-Max in Costa Mesa, the same club that produced Olympic and world champion Kyla Ross.

Haney also coached Riley McCusker, a member of the US gold medalist team in the 2018 World Championships team competition. McCusker missed the World Championships last fall due to 39; a muscle disease often linked to overtraining. She moved her training base in mid-February to Arizona Sunrays in Phoenix where she trains with several Jade Carey world championship medalists and is coached by Jades' father Brian Carey.

Levine has been a coach since 2010. She owns MG Elite with her mother Karen Bianchino.

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