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US cruises suspended until at least late October due to COVID-19


U.S. cruise lines will suspend ocean cruises until at least the end of October, as cases of coronavirus continue to emerge in the industry.

A Norwegian cruise line halted all travel and apologized Monday for procedural errors after a coronavirus outbreak on an infected ship with at least five passengers and 36 crew members. Health officials fear the ship may also have spread the virus to dozens of towns and villages along the west coast of Norway.

On Wednesday, the International Association of Cruise Lines, which represents cruise lines around the world, announced that cruise lines that operate in the United States will suspend ocean cruises until at least October 31. This marks the third voluntary suspension of cruise operations in the United States. The previous suspension was due to expire in mid-September.

There is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention veil ban order also in effect until September 30.

It’s a tough decision as we recognize the overwhelming impact this pandemic has had on our community and all other industries, CLIA said in a statement. However, we believe this proactive action further demonstrates the cruise industry’s commitment to public health and the willingness to voluntarily suspend operations in the interest of public health and safety, as is is produced twice before. Members of the cruise line CLIA will continue to monitor the situation with the understanding that we will be reviewing a possible further extension no later than September 30, 2020. At the same time, if conditions in the United States change and it becomes possible to consider short and modified crossings, we would consider an earlier restart.

Cruise lines ceased sailing in mid-March after several high-profile coronavirus outbreaks at sea. More than 710 people fell ill aboard Carnival’s Diamond Princess cruise ship as it was quarantined offshore from Japan and 13 people died.

CLIA, which represents more than 50 companies and 95% of global cruise capacity, said the recovery in cruises has so far been extremely limited. Ongoing trips must have approval and meet the requirements of national governments, he said.

The cruise industry in the United States accounts for nearly $ 53 billion in economic activity per year and more than 200,000 jobs in the United States, according to a recent economic impact study from CLIA.

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The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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