Dr Anthony Fauci says US has suffered from pandemic ‘as much or worse than anyone’
Speaking to CNN chief medical correspondent Dr Sanjay Gupta at a Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health forum, Fauci said that “every country has suffered” from the deadly virus, but “we, the United States, have suffered as much, if not worse. than anyone. ”
“I mean, as you look at the number of infections and the number of deaths, it’s really quite concerning,” said Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert and a member of the coronavirus task force of the White House.
Pressed by Gupta on whether the United States is really doing the world’s worst, figures based on figures that show how America accounts for 20-25% of the world’s Covid-19 cases and deaths, but only holds less than 5% of the world’s population, Fauci replied: “Yeah, I mean it is. Quantitatively, if you look, it is.”
“The numbers don’t lie,” he added.
Fauci’s comments are at odds with the tone Trump struck recently in speaking of the worsening pandemic, most notably during an appearance Wednesday on “Fox and Friends” in which the president highlighted the economic comeback of the United States. United and once again asserted that the virus would “go away”.
“We did it right,” Trump said of the United States’ handling of the pandemic. Now (our economic rebound) looks like a really strong “V”, based on all the numbers we get. “
The president also maintained that the pandemic was under control, while his health experts, including the task force coordinator, Dr Deborah Birx, stressed that the coronavirus is now widespread in rural and urban areas of the country.
Trump made such a claim in an interview with Axios on HBO that aired Monday, saying the virus was “under control.” But faced with the fact that about a thousand Americans die from the virus every day, the president replied, “They are dying. That’s right. And you – that’s what it is.”
“But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t doing all we can. It’s under control as much as you can control,” he added.
Trump, who met with members of the White House task force on Tuesday, still struggles to fully grasp the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, a source close to the meeting told CNN.
“He still doesn’t understand,” the source said. “He does not understand.”
During the meeting, task force officials continued to have difficulty convincing Trump to take the pandemic more seriously, the source said, adding that he had repeatedly tried to change the subject when some members of the task force were trying to highlight the dire nature of the situation for him.
CNN’s Jim Acosta and Maegan Vazquez contributed to this report.
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