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2024 US Open Picks, Odds and Field: Surprising Predictions from the Golf Model That Has Successful 12 Majors

2024 US Open Picks, Odds and Field: Surprising Predictions from the Golf Model That Has Successful 12 Majors


Xander Schauffele crossed his name off the list of best players without a major by winning the PGA Championship. This should take a weight off his shoulders ahead of the 2024 US Open, which will be held at Pinehurst No. 2 starting Thursday, June 13. However, others like Viktor Hovland, Patrick Cantlay, Tony Finau and Max Homa are looking forward to their first match. major championships. Recent history is in their favor for the 2024 US Open as the last five winners were first-time major champions.

Should your 2024 US Open predictions include backing one of these major winner hopes, or should you lean toward a champion like Masters winner Scottie Scheffler at 4-1 or Schauffele at 10- 1? Other participants at the 2024 US Open include Rory McIlroy (9-1), Brooks Koepka (12-1) and Jon Rahm (12-1). Before you lock in your own picks for the 2024 US Open, enter PGA DFS lineups on sites like DraftKings or FanDuel, or finalize US Open props and US Open Pick Six entries, be sure to check out the 2024 US Open golf predictions and projected rankings from the proven computer model at SportsLine.

Our exclusive model, built by DFS pro Mike McClure, has been booming since the PGA Tour restarted in June 2020. In fact, the model is up nearly $9,000 on its best bets since the restart, nailing the tournament after tournament.

McClure's model correctly predicted that Scheffler would finish atop the leaderboard at the 2024 Masters, the Arnold Palmer Invitational and the Players Championship this season. McClure also included Hideki Matsuyama in his best bets to win the 2024 Genesis Invitational. This bet reached +9,000, and for the entire tournament, McClure's best bets returned nearly $1,000.

The model also predicted that Rahm would be victorious at the 2023 Sentry Tournament of Champions and American Express. At the 2023 Masters, the model was all over Rahm's second career major victory heading into the weekend. Rahm was two shots out of the lead heading into the third round, but the model still projected him as the winner. It was the model's second consecutive victory at the Masters, which also set Scheffler up for victory in 2022.

This same model has also managed 12 majors entering the weekend, including the last three Masters and the 2024 PGA Championship. Anyone who has followed it is up.

As the 2024 US Open approaches, SportsLine has simulated the tournament 10,000 times and the results have been surprising. Head over to SportsLine now to see the projected rankings.

Best US Open 2024 Predictions

A major surprise that the model calls for at the 2024 US Open: Brooks Koepka (12-1), two-time US Open champion and one of the big favorites, stumbles and barely reaches the top 10. Koepka has five championships major in total. but he hasn't played a big role in majors since that last victory at the 2023 PGA Championship. Since then, in his four majors, his best finish is a 17th place finish at last year's US Open. Koepka has finished outside the top 25 in each of his last three major starts, which is one step away from matching a career-long drought.

He has finished outside the top 15 in four straight major tournament appearances and has struggled overall this season. Over his last eight tournament starts, he has twice as many finishes outside the top 25 (four) as in the top 10 (two). Add in the fact that he shot over par in his only previous start at No. 2 Pinehurst, and there are much better values ​​to use in betting on the 2024 US Open. Find out who's other disappear here.

Another surprise: Justin Thomas, 33-1 away, has a strong run at the title. He has a much better chance of winning than his high odds suggest, so he's a target for anyone looking for a huge payday. After a streak of seven consecutive majors where he finished only 37th, Thomas finally reinserted himself into major championship contention with an eighth-place finish at the 2024 PGA Championship. He was consistent throughout. the event since only six other golfers, besides Thomas, also shot under 70 in all four rounds.

The two-time PGA champion now has four top 10 finishes this season, already matching his total from a year ago, and three of those four have come against top players in majors or marquee tournaments. Thomas' long game remains his best asset as he is among the top ten on the PGA Tour for both strokes gained: tee-to-green and strokes gained: approach to green. He also had a streak of 119 holes without three putts, the ninth longest on the tour, which allowed him to average 4.39 birdies per round. Thomas' game is trending upward, so you can see why the model is high on him. Find out who else to support here.

How to make US Open 2024 picks

The model also targets two other golfers with odds of 20-1 or higher to make a strong title run. Anyone who sustains these long shots could succeed big. You can only see the model choices here.

Who will win the 2024 US Open and which long shots will surprise the golf world? Check out the 2024 US Open odds below, then visit SportsLine to see the projected US Open standings, all from the model that has won 12 golf majors, including the last three Masters and the Championship PGA 2024.

US Open 2024 odds and field

Get all the US Open 2024 picks, best bets and predictions here

Scottie Scheffler 4-1 Rory McIlroy 9-1 Wyndham Clark 22-1 Joaquin Niemann 25-1 Cameron Smith 25-1 Max Homa 30-1 Justin Thomas 33-1 Cameron Young 35-1 Dustin Johnson 35-1 Jordan Spieth 35-1 Hideki Matsuyama 35-1 Shane Lowry 40-1 Sahith Theegala 40-1 Tom Kim 40-1 Tony Finau 40-1 Sungjae Im 40-1 Matt Fitzpatrick 40-1 Jason Day 45-1 Tommy Fleetwood 50-1 Min Woo Lee 50-1 Tyrrell Hatton 50-1 Brian Harman 55- 1 Corey Conners 60-1 Sam Burns 60-1 Patrick Reed 60-1 Si Woo Kim 65-1 Justin Rose 65-1 Sepp Straka 70-1 Louis Oosthuizen 75-1 Abraham Ancer 75-1 Rickie Fowler 75-1 Adam Scott 75 -1 Talor Gooch 75-1 Russell Henley 90-1 Daniel Berger 100-1 Keegan Bradley 100-1 Keith Mitchell 125-1 Ryan Fox 125-1 JT Poston 125-1 Billy Horschel 125-1 Tiger Woods 125-1 Sergio Garcia 125 -1 Thomas Pieters 150-1 Kurt Kitayama 150-1 Phil Mickelson 150-1 Mito Pereira 150-1 Denny McCarthy 150-1 Harris English 150-1 Christiaan Bezuidenhout 150-1 Adam Schenk 175-1 Emiliano Grillo 175-1 Austin Eckroat 175 -1 Robert MacIntyre 175-1 Marc Leishman 175-1 Adam Hadwin 175-1 Lucas Glover 200-1 Nick Taylor 200-1 Davis Riley 200-1 Mackenzie Hughes 200-1 Jason Kokrak 200-1 Harold Varner III 225-1 Seamus Power 225-1 Taylor Moore 250-1 Ben Kohles 250-1 Gary Woodland 250-1 Aaron Wise 250-1 Francisco Molinari 350-1 Joel Dahmen 350-1 Martin Kaymer 500-1 Bernhard Langer 750-1




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