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US says Russia likely launched anti-space weapon last week

US says Russia likely launched anti-space weapon last week



The United States has assessed that Russia likely launched a close-range anti-space weapon last week capable of attacking a U.S. government satellite orbiting nearby, U.S. Ambassador Robert Wood told the United Nations on Monday.

This is not the first time that Russia has launched an anti-space weapon, designed to neutralize or destroy satellites. But the last time was in 2022, said Wood, who is the alternate U.S. representative for special political affairs at the United Nations.

The launch comes at a time when the United States and its allies are increasingly concerned about Russia's efforts to develop a space nuclear weapon capable of destroying commercial and government satellites.

On May 16, Russia launched a satellite into low Earth orbit that the United States says is likely an antispace weapon that could attack other satellites in low Earth orbit, Wood said before voting on a resolution of the UN Security Council drafted by Russia on external issues. space security. Russia has deployed this new antispace weapon in the same orbit as a US government satellite.

Wood added that the May 16 launch follows earlier launches of Russian satellites, likely anti-space systems in low Earth orbit in 2019 and 2022.

Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Tuesday that U.S. assessments of the Russian satellite further indicate features resembling previously deployed antispace payloads, from 2019 to 2022.

The ambassador called the launch troubling and said it undermines Russia's claims that it seeks security in space. The command monitored the incident as it unfolded, according to a defense official.

Russia issued at least two NOTAMs to aviators that became active on May 16, indicating a possible space launch. One was intended for the launch itself and the other for the re-entry of a Russian space launcher off the coast of Baja California, Mexico.

The good news is that NOTAMs are the responsible and normal way for countries to support the security of aviation and maritime activities, the defense official said.

The United States and its allies are working to deter Russia from developing a space nuclear weapon, CNN previously reported. If deployed, such a weapon could destroy satellites by creating a massive energy wave when it detonates, potentially crippling a vast portion of the commercial and government satellites that the world below depends on for cell phone talk, payment his bills and surf the Internet.

In April, the United States and Japan jointly introduced a UN Security Council resolution calling on UN member states not to develop space-based nuclear weapons, but Russia vetoed it. which the United States took as a sign that it was indeed pursuing a space nuclear project. weapon based.

As we noted previously, the United States believes that Russia is developing a new satellite carrying a nuclear device, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said in a statement on April 24. We have heard President Putin publicly state that Russia does not intend to deploy nuclear weapons. weapons in space. If that were the case, Russia would not have vetoed this resolution.

The Russian weapon is still under development and is not yet in orbit, Biden administration officials have publicly emphasized. But if used, officials say, it would cross a dangerous Rubicon in the history of nuclear weapons.

Russia introduced its own rival resolution earlier this month, calling for a permanent ban on the placement of weapons in our space. But the United States vetoed it Monday because it does not accomplish the simple task we set out to do several months ago: reaffirming the core obligations of the Outer Space Treaty and avoiding a race to nuclear weapons in space, Wood said.

The US ambassador particularly took issue with resolutions calling for a binding mechanism to ban any space weapons, saying such a ban cannot be verified and that the resolution was an attempt by Russia to distract the world's attention from its development of a new satellite carrying a nuclear weapon. device.




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