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The UK election takes place on 4 July. What happens next?

The UK election takes place on 4 July. What happens next?


On a rainy afternoon in London, an increasingly soggy Rishi Sunak spoke outside 10 Downing Street, confirming what many had been speculating: Britain was headed to an election earlier than expected. Here's what to expect in the coming weeks:

When does the UK hold elections?

The election date was set for July 4th, a little over six weeks later.

The UK must hold elections at least every five years, but elections can be held at any time within that period. Sunak was supposed to hold a vote before the end of January 2025, but until this surprise announcement the country had largely been expecting an autumn date.

Sunak has always said the vote would take place in the second half of the year (technically in July). But it was still shocking that the vote was held so early. Many of his lawmakers were said to be irritated by this prospect.

Why is Sunak calling an election now?

Sunak's speech was based on the argument that only he and the Conservative Party could lead Britain through the most difficult period since World War II. This is a dangerous claim. Because Labor will point out that many of the fundamental problems, such as the state of public services and the economic chaos caused by Liz Truss' tiny budget, were created under (and even by) the Conservative government. .

Labor leader Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves (left) and Angela Rayner (right) attend Prime Minister's Questions. PA Images/Alamy

Sunak set the date as soon as it was confirmed that inflation was easing, which is much-needed good news for his government. He may have been planning to surprise Labor when he learned that the opposition was allowing his staff to take summer holidays, thinking there would be no election until after the summer holidays.

Are campaigns always too short?

Short campaigns, the period from the day an election is called until election day itself, are very short in the UK compared to many other countries. It lasts for at least 25 business days and rarely longer.

However, the long campaign is the period when political parties have the feeling that an election is imminent. The campaign has been a long time coming, given that Sunak was working towards the end of a five-year period. All political parties in the UK have been preparing, and even though this all feels sudden to all of us, they are by and large ready to campaign, or at least they should be.

What song was playing when Sunak announced the date?

Sunak's speech was almost completely drowned out by protesters who at times played very loud music at the Downing Street gates. This is the song D:Reams Things Can Only Get Better, which Britons associated with Tony Blair's campaign when Labor won a landslide victory in 1997.

Things Can Only Get Better: A song closely associated with Labour's 1997 election victory. What happens next?

Sunak said he had already asked King Charles for permission to dissolve parliament. This happens on May 30th. After that point, there are technically no members of Congress (any incumbent member who decides to run becomes a candidate, not a member of Congress). All National Assembly work not completed by this day will be discarded.

MPs will then begin campaigning to win parliamentary seats in Britain's 650 constituencies. This traditionally involves door-to-door canvassing. Some will also take part in national campaigns, especially those who are also government ministers. Party leaders will engage in national campaigns and join or discontinue local campaigns when the opportunity arises, including in key battleground states. TV debates have been a feature of British politics since 2010, and broadcasters will now negotiate how many debates there will be, who will be included and when they will be broadcast.

Will the regime change?

The last few years have taught us all to never say 'never' in British politics, but opinion polls show Labor overwhelming the incumbent Conservatives and pointing to a change of government.

In this scenario, Labor leader Starmer would become prime minister. Any other result will be marked as a major polling failure.

The Conservative government has been in power since 2010, but it also included a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats from 2010 to 2015. David Cameron led a Conservative government without the Liberal Democrats from 2015 to 2016, but resigned following the 2010 election. Brexit vote.

Since then, the UK has had four prime ministers: Theresa May (2016-2019), Boris Johnson (2019-2022), Truss (49 days in 2022), and Sunak (October 2022-). Sunak will insist this still makes him a relative newcomer, while also highlighting his warning that Truss' tax plans were a mistake.

Does every part of the UK vote?

Yes, voters in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales will vote in UK elections. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (England's major urban areas) have devolved administrations, but each of these regions, along with the rest of England, elects members to sit in the Westminster Parliament.

Stephen Flynn is the leader of the Scottish National Party in Westminster. Flickr/UK Parliament, CC BY-NC-ND

However, Labor does not support candidates from Northern Ireland, and when Sinn Fin candidates win seats in Northern Ireland, they traditionally do not win seats in Westminster.

When will the new prime minister take office?

If the election result is a majority, the leader of the winning party becomes prime minister as soon as the results are confirmed, so there is no transition period like in the United States. If there is a change of Prime Minister, the current Prime Minister will have to leave Downing Street immediately and his successor will arrive shortly. In this respect, British politics is cruel.

Technically, the Prime Minister is appointed by the monarch, so the first thing whoever wins the election has to do is visit the King.

However, this assumes that the results are clear. In 2010, when no party won a majority of seats, Gordon Brown remained prime minister for five days after the election and attempted, ultimately unsuccessfully, to broker a coalition agreement.

Why do some people think this is all about football?

The election, held on July 4, will take place at the height of the UEFA European Football Championship, with some speculating that Sunak is hoping to capitalize on the positive national mood to turn around his fortunes. Whether that's a realistic hope will soon be revealed, but Sunak must know it's a gamble. The last time a general election was called during an international football tournament was in 1970. Harold Wilson's Labor Party lost four days after then-champions England lost to West Germany in the World Cup quarter-finals.




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