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Turks and Caicos criticizes US lawmakers' remarks ahead of American's munitions conviction

Turks and Caicos criticizes US lawmakers' remarks ahead of American's munitions conviction



Turks and Caicos Islands officials criticized remarks by U.S. lawmakers who visited the islands earlier this week to press for the release of Americans who were arrested there and could potentially face up to 12 years in prison. prison.

In a speech to the Legislative Assembly, the islands' Prime Minister, Washington Misick, said: “Congressman (Guy Reschenthaler)'s accusations against the government and people of the Turks and Caicos Islands are nothing more than evil lies.

A U.S. congressional delegation traveled to the islands to meet with officials earlier this week to press for the release of Americans detained and charged with possessing munitions.

Three Americans Michael Lee Evans, Bryan Hagerich and Tyler Wenrich pleaded guilty to possession of ammunition while traveling in the Turks and Caicos Islands, according to the Turks and Caicos Islands government, and Hagerich is expected to be sentenced Friday.

A fourth person, Ryan Tyler Watson, will appear in court on June 7. A fifth person, Sharitta Shinese Grier, was arrested last week and is awaiting trial after posting bail, according to Kimo Tynes, director of communications in the Prime Minister's Office. and public policy.

One of the US lawmakers, Senator Markwayne Mullin, said in a statement on Monday: “Unfortunately, despite our willingness to work with Turks and Caicos officials to bring our voters home, we have been unable to find a way forward today.

In an interview with ABC News earlier this week, Reschenthaler said: “We're at the point now, (where) every three weeks, an American is unjustly detained in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

On Monday, Reschenthaler told Manu Raju on CNN that he wants to see a resolution here where Americans get no prison time. They should serve time in prison and be returned home to the United States.

They were innocent mistakes. Any other country would solve this problem by imposing a fine by sending that person back to their country of origin. Here that does not happen, he said, adding: “The Turks and Caicos Islands prison was flagged by the UN for humanitarian reasons.

The congressman said the 12-year minimum sentence imposed for the munitions charges is completely unacceptable and that the Americans unknowingly brought in the munitions.

Turks and Caicos Islands Governor Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratna said in a press release Wednesday that the Turks and Caicos Islands values ​​its relationship with the United States and that the two countries work in strong partnership to address common threats. In the region.

The statement said the Turks and Caicos Islands did not target U.S. citizens and called Reschenthaler's remarks about congressional delegations traveling to the islands to meet with officials very regrettable.

His characterization of our meeting is not one we recognize, the statement said.

Our discussions were professional and respectful and focused on clarifying the legal situation and the well-being of individuals, the statement continued.

The governor added that the mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years for possession of firearms and/or ammunition is in place to protect island residents and that the law gives the judge discretion, in exceptional circumstances, to impose a reduced sentence.

No U.S. citizen has been sentenced to 12 years in prison to date, according to the release.

Prime Minister: the law must be applied fairly

Misick said that of a total of 195 people convicted of gun offenses in the past six years, only seven were U.S. citizens. The prime minister said on Thursday that no special treatment should be given to any group.

The law must be applied fairly, Misick said.

While the United States and the Turks and Caicos Islands work together in the fight against narcotics, terrorism and money laundering, our laws and processes are inconsistent, Misick said. We are a distinct sovereignty. We respect the laws of the United States and we would never think of interfering with its operation.

The Turks and Caicos Islands government, Misick said, would take decisive and comprehensive action to preserve the safety and security of our nation, adding that while the country does not manufacture firearms or ammunition, the number of Guns arriving in the islands has increased.

Opposition Designate MP Alvin Garland has expressed concern over US citizens arrested in the Turks and Caicos Islands for possession of ammunition over the past six months.

Garland said the island's governor was right not to interfere in ongoing court cases in order to respect the government's separation of powers, but added that he believed most, if not all, of the Cases involving American tourists would fall into the category of exceptional circumstances and the sentences could be shorter than the mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years.

This story has been updated with additional information.




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