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Biden commits to designating Kenya as non-NATO ally during Ruto's visit | Political news

Biden commits to designating Kenya as non-NATO ally during Ruto's visit |  Political news


US President Biden said he would work with Congress to give Kenya a largely symbolic title as the two countries deepen ties.

US President Joe Biden has pledged to designate Kenya as the non-NATO country's first key ally in sub-Saharan Africa as Kenyan President William Ruto makes a state visit to Washington, DC, to deepen ties between the two nations.

At a White House news conference Thursday, Biden said he plans to work with Congress to give Kenya the largely symbolic title.

It’s the culmination of years of collaboration, he said.

Our joint counterterrorism operations have degraded ISIS [ISIL] and al-Shabab across East Africa, our mutual support for Ukraine has rallied the world in support of the United Nations Charter, and our joint work on Haiti is helping pave the way for reducing instability and insecurity.

The United States has designated 18 countries as non-NATO allies, including Israel, Brazil and the Philippines.

The label reflects Kenya's rise from a regional partner that has long cooperated with U.S. counterterrorism operations on the continent to global influence.

Thursday's announcement comes as Ruto and Biden hold talks at the White House during the Kenyan leaders' state visit to the United States, which began this week.

Ruto speaks during a meeting with the US President and business leaders in the East Room of the White House on May 22, 2024. [Susan Walsh/AP Photo]

Reporting from the White House, Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett said Ruto's visit also marked 60 years of diplomatic relations and cooperation between the United States and Kenya.

There are security ties, trade ties, innovation in technology, but also in global health, Halkett said.

The Kenyan leaders' trip is the sixth state visit hosted by Biden and the first by an African president since 2008.

This week's meetings, dubbed Vision Nairobi-Washington, come amid calls from Biden to African countries that the United States can be a better partner than China as Beijing deepens its investments on the continent, often through through high interest rate loans.

Over the past year, Africa's political landscape has been upended by a series of military coups, wars and fragile elections that have given U.S. rivals China and Russia more significant influence.

The White House talks also came as a U.S.-backed initiative to send a Kenyan-led police force to crisis-hit Haiti appears to be solidifying.

Kenyan officials recently said the deployment, which aims to help the Haitian National Police restore order during a surge in deadly gang violence in the Caribbean country, was imminent. Around 1,000 Kenyan police officers are expected to participate.

Ruto and Biden discussed a Kenyan-led police mission in Haiti, investments, trade and joint military operations during Rutos' state visit [Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters]

We affirm our mutual commitment to the stabilization of Haiti through the Multinational Security Support Mission, Ruto said at Thursday's press conference.

This deployment, Halkett reported, is part of a long tradition of counterterrorism efforts and cooperation between the United States and Kenya.

In a joint statement following their talks, Biden and Ruto announced a series of new US-backed investments in the green energy and health sectors, as well as a plan to reduce the Kenya's high debt, most of which is owed to China.

The US International Development Finance Corporation also announced deals this week that bring its portfolio in Kenya to more than $1 billion, the statement said.

During our discussions, I witnessed the determination of President Biden and the US government to make our partnership work, Ruto told reporters.

As my visit draws to a close, I am confident that our engagements have laid a solid foundation that allows us to continue the good work we started with stronger faith and greater hope for success, because in Joe Biden, Kenya and Africa have a strong and committed commitment. friend.

Biden, who is seeking re-election in November, has said he plans to visit the African continent in February if he wins a second term.




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