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Economy, health, migration and more: key battlegrounds in UK election | 2024 general election

Economy, health, migration and more: key battlegrounds in UK election |  2024 general election


Rishi Sunak sought to shape the Conservatives as the party of the future and someone he could trust with the economy and national security.

The prime minister, who once billed himself as a change candidate and attempted to distance himself from years of conservative rule, now argues that the party's experience in government makes it more likely than Labor to have a secure plan for the future.

As Keir Starmers Party heads to the polls, this guide takes you through the key issues with voters and how that battle will play out.


Sunak promised to grow the economy and halve inflation, which he has only just managed to achieve. But the cost of the livelihood crisis has had a huge impact on the working class across all political affiliations, from the Essex Man to the archetypal progressive campaigner.

The Prime Minister is waiting for inflation to fall to prove that it is reliable for the country's economic security and that his plans to improve things for the most needy are working. However, recent opinion polls suggest that Labor outperforms the Conservatives as the party seen as representing working families and is more trustworthy on the economy. According to Common ThinkTank's More, 65% of voters think the Tories are for the wealthy.


The health service is on its knees, with overworked staff, record waiting lists and crumbling hospitals. The Conservatives have struggled to resolve the junior doctors' strike.

Issues around rural health care have disappeared from traditional Tory seats, with older people struggling to access services. Disparities in maternal health care, which disproportionately affect voters in urban areas, have been ignored. In every constituency, hospitals are underfunded and ill-equipped to adapt to the country's evolving health care needs.


The wider electoral landscape has changed since Sunak made stopping the boats one of his priorities, but there is no firm date for achieving this. The government's Rwanda bill was only enacted into law last month, and the number of small ships this year is already approaching 10,000.

Keir Starmer has stepped up his migration messaging by vowing to launch a new border security order to reduce Channel crossings.

The issue will concern not only Red Wall voters but also older Tory supporters in areas such as Yorkshire and the Humber.

HousingLabours Angela Rayner and Keir Starmer visited a housing development in Derby in April. Photo: Joe Giddens/PA

At least 1.5 million homeowners are feeling the impact of the Conservative Party's 2022 mini-budget, with mortgage repayments rising by hundreds of pounds. The Conservatives have failed to build 300,000 new homes every year in England by the mid-2020s, and have failed to close loopholes for unfair and illegal evictions of tenants.

There have been concerns recently about Starmesser's decision not to include any form of housing policy in the six pledges. But he insisted that delivering affordable housing was essential to his mission.

Labor is understood to be considering proposals to renters, while ensuring 50% of all new homes are affordable, while protecting green space has generally gone down well with progressive voters in urban constituencies.

climate crisis

The environment has been a key dividing line between the main parties, with Sunaks' hostility to net zero coupled with a more progressive approach. The Prime Minister has overseen the rollback of key climate policies, including delaying the exit of fossil fuel vehicles and scrapping the northern leg of HS2S.

Labor argued that tackling the cost of the livelihood crisis and the climate crisis were one and the same. It suggests policies that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower energy bills, such as insulating homes and boosting renewable energy, while green growth attracts investment and new jobs.

Starmer made controversial comments about his £28 billion green investment plan in February.

Education and Childcare

Britain is in the midst of a childcare crisis, with parents struggling to access the government's provision of places across the country, funded by Gazump Labor's own policies.

Even on above-average incomes, many households find they have to adjust their work hours to care for their children, and more young people than ever are choosing to have children later in life, making it difficult for them to afford childcare providers. Voters will want to know what plans the political parties have to ease the burden.

They will also want to know what the plan is for improving working conditions, paying teachers who are quitting in record numbers and giving desperately needed funding to educational institutions such as state schools and universities.

The Prime Minister has been criticized by senior Conservatives for not touting the party's record on education, many of whom have acknowledged the rise in UK literacy and numeracy rates over policing.

culture war

Rishi Sunaks Premiership has been dominated by MPs from his own bench pouring petrol on Britain's culture wars, with a focus on transgender rights, mental health and woke universities.

These issues are highlighted to save traditional blue wall seats such as Wokingham, but research has shown that undecided voters are generally put off by politicians' attempts to jump on the bandwagon of culture war messaging.




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