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Jeremy Corbyn runs as an independent in UK general election | election news

Jeremy Corbyn runs as an independent in UK general election |  election news


The 74-year-old former party leader will stand in his constituency for Islington North after being dropped from the Labor shortlist.

Former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn will stand as an independent candidate in the UK general election on July 4, a move that could anger Labor in the North London seat.

Corbyn, who has represented the Islington North London constituency for more than 40 years, announced on Friday that he would contest the seat to become an independent voice for equality, democracy and peace.

Labor officials did not include the 74-year-old in their shortlist for the seat, leaving the decision to be his own.

I want my party to be democratic, but Islington North Labor councilors have been denied the right to choose their candidates, Corbyn said in a video announcing his plans.

So we must stand up. We stood up and didn't take any more of this. We will assert our rights. So Im standing to be an independent candidate for Islington North.

Labor suspended Corbyn in 2020. Corbyn was Labor leader at the last election in 2019 and has held the Islington North seat since 1983.

Corbyn, a long-time critic of Israel's policies in Palestine, acknowledged some of the findings during his leadership, adding that Jews in the Labor Party and the wider community can expect us to address them. But he added that he did not accept all the findings.

An Al Jazeera investigation into the crisis found that senior Labor officials at the time attempted to undermine support for Corbyn, and in some cases there were silent discussions about Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

Critic of Israel's war on Gaza

Critics of Benjamin Netanyahu and the overall policies of the Israeli government followed the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by the Palestinian group Hamas and the killing of more than 35,000 Palestinians after Israel launched an unrelenting war on Gaza. emerged as a new

Last November, he was one of the first politicians to call on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the genocide in Gaza.

People in Gaza have been living under a blockade for the past 16 years and the Israeli occupation controls most things coming in and out of Gaza, they said, giving Israeli politicians the green light to starve and massacre people. Palestinians in the name of self-defense.

He said Hamas-led attacks cannot justify the indiscriminate bombing and starvation of Palestinians.

Since October, Corbyn has taken part in several protests in the UK condemning Israel's military operation in Gaza.

On Thursday, Britain's political leaders kicked off six weeks of campaigning before voting on a new government on July 4.

An emergency survival poll on voting intentions following Chancellor Rishi Sunak's announcement gave centre-left Labor a 48 point lead, its highest since November 2022, and a 21-point lead for the ruling Conservative Party on 27 points.

Survival said the results were consistent with Labor polling for 2023 and this year. Other surveys have suggested similar results.




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