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The short measure costs the average drinker in the UK 115 per year, study finds | consumer issues

The short measure costs the average drinker in the UK 115 per year, study finds |  consumer issues


The study found that more than two-thirds of the beer and wine sold in pubs and bars is for short-term consumption, costing the average consumer about $115 per year.

Trading standards officers visited 77 venues across the UK and found short measurements in 96 of 137 test purchases. This means that around 70% had fewer drinks than they declared or paid for.

Meanwhile, according to Statistics Korea, the average price of a bottle of red wine rose 8% last year, and the average price of a bottle of lager rose 5.6%.

John Herriman, Chief Executive of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI), said: “This is a snapshot, but this is the first time we have been able to build a national picture of how widespread short-term measurement of alcoholic beverages is. The potential harm to approximately 115 average consumers each year suggests the need for more comprehensive research.

He said research should span a wider range of consumer goods, not just alcoholic beverages.

A short measure means that the beer or wine the customer receives is less than the quantity required by the Weights and Measures (Intoxicating Alcohol) Order 1988. These quantities vary depending on the beverage served but include pints, half pints for beer and 175ml glasses. For wine.

Errors discovered by CTSI included not using measurement equipment correctly or using the wrong equipment. It said guidance had been provided to businesses where appropriate.

Of the short-term measurements, 41 had a deficit of more than 5% (29%) out of the total 137 drinks tested. When broken down by beverage, the study found that 86% of beer and 43% of wine were deficient.

The average deficit for beer was 4% and for wine 5%. For the average beer drinker, this equates to a loss of 1.70 per week or 88.40 per year. For a wine drinker in the UK, this is 2.20 per week or 114.40 per year.

The biggest cut of 15% was found in Walsall on a 175ml glass of wine selling for $3.20.

CTSI's public poll also found that more than a third of people (35%) believe the head of a beer should not be included in the measurement of a pint.

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Jess Phillips, Labor MP for Birmingham Yardley and vice-chair of CTSI, said: The cost of living means people can barely afford to drink. Short measures deceive us all, but they affect those who are most affected.

In 2021, the British Beer and Pub Association reported that trade sales of beer alone generated $5.7 billion in revenue, equivalent to 1.4 billion pints per year at the time, or 26 million pints per week. At current prices, a 4% deficit for each pint equates to a potential consumer loss of $264 million, CTSI said.

While preparing this study, CTSI found that many local authorities who wanted to participate were unable to do so because they did not have the basic equipment needed to measure beer and wine. CTSI said this was a stark illustration of the pressures local authorities were under.

National fieldwork was carried out by eight local authorities, including Aberdeenshire, Essex, Maidenhead and Northern Ireland Trading Standards.




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