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US Soccer Announces Additions to United States Women's National Team Technical Staff

US Soccer Announces Additions to United States Women's National Team Technical Staff


CHICAGO (May 24, 2024) US Soccer announced several additions to the United States Women's National Team technical staff as Emma Hayes officially takes over as head coach.

Hayes is joined by three members of the coaching staff accompanying him from Chelsea FC, where Hayes has spent the last 12 years leading the club to unprecedented success in England, including five consecutive Women's Super League titles. Joining her on the pitch will be American Denise Reddy, a former Rutgers star, longtime professional player in Sweden, former head coach in Europe, the NWSL and USL, and Hayes' assistant for the past four years in London. American bench. Reddy holds a UEFA professional license and previously worked as an assistant for the United States junior women's national under-20 team.

Joining to lead the goalkeeping group is Stuart Searle, a Wimbledon, England native who served as Hayes' goalkeeping coach at Chelsea for almost his entire tenure. With Chelsea he has worked with some of the best goalkeepers in the world, most recently Ann-Katrin Berger from Germany and now NY/NY Gotham FC, Zeira Muovi and Hedvig Lindahl from Sweden and England's best young goalkeeper Hannah Hampton . Searle worked in various capacities for Chelsea for over 20 years.

As previously announced when Hayes was named head coach last November, former interim head coach Twila Kilgore will remain on the coaching staff as an assistant.

Additionally, Belgium native Bart Caubergh joins the Hayes team as the new program director. He will oversee the strategic alignment of all U.S. Senior Women's National Team staff and departments. Caubergh will work closely with the WNT leadership team, particularly in technical, performance and operations areas, contributing to short, medium and long term strategic planning for the team's success. At the heart of his role will be to manage all planning related to activities on and off the field and to supervise the periodization of each player.

Caubergh worked with Chelsea Women during the 2019/20 and 2020/21 campaigns, then returned to take up the role of Head of Performance ahead of the start of the 2023/24 season. He comes to US Soccer with extensive global experience and a UEFA A coaching license. Caubergh holds a master's degree in sports science and business administration.

We already have a fantastic team in place and we have all seen what a wonderful job Twila has done with the team over the last six months. I am therefore excited to onboard these new staff members who I know will contribute to a positive, competitive and inclusive environment. for the players, Hayes said. These are people who care deeply about players and will provide them with all the tools, knowledge and support to help them play at their best while working together towards common goals. I am excited to begin.

Two more members of Chelsea's backroom staff will join the USWNT staff: performance coach Ferdia O'Hanrahan, who will work with current head of performance Nathan Sherlock and across all team departments, while opposition analyst Cameron Meighan will join to work with senior analyst Kate Cohen and across all departments.

US Soccer also hired Luis Guevara, who previously worked in Major League Soccer for DC United, as a WNT performance analyst, filling a vacant position.




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