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US calls for rapid police deployment to Haiti after missionary deaths | Police news

US calls for rapid police deployment to Haiti after missionary deaths |  Police news


US President Joe Biden's administration has called for the rapid deployment of a Kenyan-led security force to Haiti after the killing of three missionaries working with an American group in the violence-hit Caribbean country.

Friday's call came shortly after the nonprofit Missions in Haiti Inc announced that three of its missionaries were fatally shot by gunmen Thursday evening in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince .

The deaths are the latest in months in a spiral of violence in Port-au-Prince, which remains largely under the control of powerful armed groups who have unleashed a wave of deadly attacks across the city.

They also came as Kenyan President William Ruto wrapped up his visit to Washington, D.C., where he met with Biden and other senior U.S. leaders to discuss a range of issues, including the long-stalled Haiti deployment.

The security situation in Haiti cannot wait, a National Security Council spokesperson said Friday, adding that Biden pledged to support the accelerated deployment of the Kenyan-led force during talks with Ruto on Thursday.

Our thoughts are with the families of those killed who are experiencing unimaginable grief, the spokesperson added, referring to the missionaries.

Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker on Friday identified his daughter, Natalie Lloyd, and son-in-law, Davy Lloyd, among those killed.

Both men worked as full-time missionaries in the country and Davy Lloyd was the son of Missions in Haiti Inc founders David and Alicia Lloyd, who founded the organization in 2000.

The identity of the third person killed has not been released.

The United Nations and other humanitarian organizations have called for more support for Haitian citizens amid years of gang violence and political instability, which worsened after the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in 2021.

The latest wave of unrest, which began in February with gang attacks on police stations, prisons and other state institutions, forced Haiti's unelected Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign .

An interim presidential council has since been appointed to run the country, but major concerns and uncertainties persist.

The United Nations humanitarian coordinator in Haiti warned earlier this month that hundreds of thousands of people, including many women and children, were caught in violence that shows no signs of abating.

As of mid-March, more than 360,000 Haitians were internally displaced, according to the UN, and at least 1,500 people have been killed in gang violence since the start of the year.

Yet while many civil society leaders and Haitian citizens say the country's exhausted and under-equipped police force needs help restoring security, the impending deployment of Kenyan-led foreign forces continues. to raise questions.

Kenya has committed 1,000 police officers to the UN-backed mission, largely funded by the United States, to combat gangs. The deployment should ultimately include up to 2,500 people.

But it remains unclear when the mission will begin after officials said it could coincide with Kenyan President Rutos' visit to the United States.

Citing two unnamed sources, the Reuters news agency reported on Thursday that the rollout had been delayed.

Daniel Foote, a former US special envoy to Haiti who has criticized the Biden administration's policies, also told Al Jazeera earlier this week that the mission's mandate was unclear.

Do they have the power to stop? Will they attack the gangs offensively, or will they protect the infrastructure and not move? Nobody knows, Foote said Thursday after Biden and Ruto held a news conference at the White House.

Many Haitians are also wary of outside intervention after past foreign missions failed to bring stability or address the country's systemic problems.

More recently, a United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti was implicated in a deadly cholera outbreak and allegations of sexual abuse.

Asked about the new police deployment in Haiti during Thursday's press conference, Ruto said that Kenya believes that the responsibility for peace and security anywhere in the world, including in Haiti, lies with all nations.

The Kenyan president promised that this deployment would break the back of gangs in the country.




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