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Lionheart Nigel Mansell receives British Motorsport Lifetime Achievement Award

Lionheart Nigel Mansell receives British Motorsport Lifetime Achievement Award


British motor racing legend Nigel Mansell CBE, renowned for his fast and fiercely competitive racing style, visited Motorsport UK to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award.

The honors were announced at the annual Motorsport UK Night of Champions held at the Royal Automobile Club in January. But Nigel was unable to attend the star-studded evening, so he accepted the coveted award today at Motorsport UK headquarters in Bicester Motion, Oxfordshire. .

Born in Worcestershire and raised in Birmingham, Mansell was a karting star as a teenager and enjoyed success in the British Formula Ford and Formula 3 championships. He made his Grand Prix debut for Lotus in mid-1980 after spotting the talents of Colin Chapman and stayed with the British team for the next four seasons.

His big move came in 1985 when he switched to Williams where he won his first two Grand Prix wins at Brands Hatch and South Africa. Further victories came in 1986 and 1987 when Mansell finished runner-up in the FIA ​​Formula 1 World Drivers Championship. Two seasons at Ferrari saw his admirers Tifosi nickname him Il Leone after a number of typically lion-like performances.

However, it was Nigel's return to Williams that finally earned him a long overdue World Championship title in 1992. In total, Mansell won 31 Grands Prix with Williams and Ferrari, making him the second most successful British F1 driver of all time. His tally was later topped by Sir Lewis Hamilton.

Seeking a new challenge, Mansell next drove Stateside to the 1993 U.S.-based CART Indy Car Series championship title, becoming the first driver to win that crown in his debut season. Moreover, Nigel remains the only person in history to win both the World Drivers' Championship and the premier American Open Wheel Championship title.

The Midlander's heroics earned him a huge following among die-hard British motor racing fans, culminating in Mansell mania with his British Grand Prix win at Silverstone in the early '90s. Further highlighting his popularity, he is one of only five people to have won the coveted BBC Sports Personality of the Year award more than once.

Today, Mansell still shares his love of motorsports with the public and is now making a name for himself in a very different field as an amateur horseman.

On receiving the award Nigel said: He was very proud to receive the award and visit our new facility here in Bicester. It's really fantastic. I am also incredibly proud of my contribution to British motorsport and I am delighted to be leaving that legacy behind, today is a very proud day for me.

Presenting the Lifetime Achievement Award, David Richards, Chairman of British Motorsport, said: Nigel's phenomenal racing career and his determination remain a true inspiration to aspiring drivers and motorsport enthusiasts. His outstanding performances on the track have earned him legendary status. We're thrilled to welcome him here to Bicester Motion's headquarters, to present him with his hard-earned and well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Award and to demonstrate how his career continues to inspire all who form part of our motorsport community. .




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