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UK weather: New thunderstorm warnings issued for parts of England and Wales on Sunday as Bank Holiday forecast ends with rain | uk news

UK weather: New thunderstorm warnings issued for parts of England and Wales on Sunday as Bank Holiday forecast ends with rain |  uk news


A weather warning for thunderstorms has been issued for parts of England and Wales on Sunday.

The Met Office yellow warning is in effect from 12pm to 8pm and covers hundreds of miles from Milton Keynes in the south, Norwich in the east, Liverpool in the north-west and York in the north.

It could also cover Birmingham, Manchester, Hull, Nottingham and parts of north-east Wales, with 20-30mm of rain falling in just a few hours.

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The Met Office said there was a risk of “slow-moving heavy rain and thunderstorms” causing difficult driving conditions, flooding to homes and businesses and lightning strikes.

This could lead to road closures and public transport delays, forecasters added.

Image: Met Office weather warning area for May 26. Photo: Korea Meteorological Administration

Destructive weather could be added to a busy travel weekend.

Transport networks have already been hit by millions of people using the roads over the Bank Holiday weekend, while rail engineering work is also planned.

The Network Rail project has reduced services on the West Coast Main Line due to work around Crewe and Carlisle.

Trains are also being affected by track renewals between Carstairs and Lanark in Scotland, while work to build a new station at Beaulieu Park, east of Chelmsford, has resulted in significant changes to services on the Great Eastern Main Line.

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The worst travel day of the weekend was Friday, but the start of the long weekend coincided with mid-term break for many schools.

Trains between Birmingham New Street and Wolverhampton had to run at reduced speeds that day after thieves attempted to steal signaling cables.

Passengers on the Avanti West Coast, CrossCountry, London Northwestern Railway, Transport for Wales and West Midlands Railway suffered delays until damaged power lines were repaired, Network Rail said.

Aviation analytics company Cirium said Friday was the busiest day of the year at UK airports since October 2019, with more than 3,150 flights departing.

Some 8,486 flights were scheduled to take to the skies between Saturday and Monday, with the most popular departure points from the UK being Dublin, Amsterdam, Palma, Alicante and Malaga.

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Further showers possible on Monday, a bank holiday.

Sky News weather producer Joanna Robinson said of the weekend's situation: “On Sunday the rain will become more frequent as it moves northwards, with heavy downpours coming from the south. There is a risk of hail and thunderstorms and localized flooding possible.

“There will be further showers and thunderstorms on Monday, which is a bank holiday, but the West will be drier later on.

“It’s worth keeping an eye on the forecast as short term thunderstorm warnings may be in place for Sunday and Monday.

“Daytime temperatures will be average, but you will feel warm in any sunlight.”

Met Office forecaster Craig Snell added: “Overall, the situation is pretty mixed. Saturday will probably be the best day, but there will still be some sunshine on Sunday and Monday, but we'll certainly avoid any heavy rain.”

“Watch out for thunderstorms, especially across northern and central England and north-east Wales.”




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