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Tornado warnings issued in parts of Texas and Oklahoma; heat hits the South over Memorial Day weekend

Tornado warnings issued in parts of Texas and Oklahoma;  heat hits the South over Memorial Day weekend


Dangerous severe storms, accompanied by possible tornadoes, swept through parts of the United States, including Texas and Oklahoma, on Saturday evening.

Federal forecasters have issued tornado watches and warnings for parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas, with the National Weather Service office in Fort Worth, Texas, urging residents in the path of unstable storm cells north of Dallas-Fort Worth to “SEARCH.” SHELTER NOW!!!”

The Weather Service office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, said radar confirmed the presence of a tornado in the Claremore area shortly before 11:24 p.m. It said another tornado appears to have struck near Pilot Point, Texas, about 55 miles north of Dallas, Saturday evening.

The Texas Denton County Office of Emergency Management said there was a confirmed tornado over Lake Ray Roberts State Park, northeast of Sanger.

The Denton City Fire Department posted a photo of a badly damaged building on X, saying it was sending medics and rescue crews to help “several victims,” ​​some of whom were trapped.

Experts say the Plains and parts of the South and Midwest have been subjected to a long and deadly tornado season during an epic and enduring clash of cold and warm influences.

Chief meteorologist Bill Berardelli of WFLA, an NBC affiliate in Tampa, Florida, explained the recipe for accelerated weather in a post on the social media platform X:

“Large heat ridge stationed over Mexico/Gulf and cold pool over the Pacific Northwest [is] a perfect setup as the disturbances straddle a semi-blocked frontal boundary focusing storms on #Tornado Alley,” he said.

Thunderstorms over Oklahoma and Texas are expected to spread eastward into Missouri and Iowa overnight. A few long-lived supercells are also expected. These storms are capable of producing intense tornadoes, giant hail, and destructive wind gusts.

Groups of these supercells will merge, creating larger storm systems in northern Oklahoma and central and eastern Kansas overnight, the National Weather Service said on X, adding that “some isolated cases or widely scattered flash flooding” would be possible until midnight.

A transmission tower fell in Houston on May 17 following a severe storm. Brett Coomer/ / Houston Chronicle via Getty Images

Storms will continue to move eastward Sunday, moving toward the Midwest and Ohio Valley. They are expected to reach 42 million people in cities like Chicago, Indianapolis, Nashville, St. Louis and Cincinnati.

Damaging wind gusts are most expected in the Midwest, but tornadoes and large hail are also possible.

Storms will end on the East Coast on Monday, with a slight risk of severe weather delivered to the mid-Atlantic. In this region, including Baltimore; Washington DC; and in Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina, 27 million people are at risk of strong to severe thunderstorms.

The main danger to watch out for is high wind, but one or two storms could be capable of producing large hail or a tornado.

Devastation left in Greenfield, Iowa, on May 22 after a tornado ravaged the town. Scott Olson/Getty Images

This type of active storm comes with a risk of flash flooding, particularly in the central Mississippi Valley. In total, 3 million people are under flood warnings, including in cities like Memphis, Tennessee; and Tupelo, Mississippi.

Precipitation totals will generally range from 1 to 2.5 inches through the weekend, with higher localized amounts of more than 3 inches possible where training storms develop.

Southern heat

The South will also face extreme heat over Memorial Day weekend.

Summer temperatures will affect the Southern Plains and Gulf Coast, with temperatures reaching 10 to 20 degrees above average.

Heat alerts are in effect Saturday for 7 million people in South Texas, including Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi and Brownsville, as temperatures will climb to 100-115 degrees.

Power outages hit the Houston area on May 18 after severe storms. Jason Fochtman/Houston Chronicle via AP

Nearly two dozen records will be at risk Saturday afternoon as temperatures reach the 90s-100s in Brownsville and Houston, Texas; Key West, Florida; and New Orleans.

Brownsville and Harlingen, Texas, set new daily records Saturday, with Brownsville hitting 99 degrees and Harlingen hitting 100 degrees, according to the NWS, both 2 degrees warmer than their previous records.

More heat will cover the South on Sunday, with more than 20 records at risk in Corpus Christi; Miami and Orlando, Florida; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.

Extreme fire conditions

Four million people are on alert due to critical fire weather conditions across the High Plains and South, from Colorado to Texas, including Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico; and El Paso, Texas.

Newly formed fires are likely to spread quickly due to the dangerous combination of dry vegetation, 30 to 45 mph winds and low relative humidity.




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