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Rishi Sunak vows to reintroduce Britain's national service in his first major campaign policy.

Rishi Sunak vows to reintroduce Britain's national service in his first major campaign policy.


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Rishi Sunak pledged to introduce an 18-year-old national service requirement if he is re-elected, in his first major policy announcement since the election campaign began earlier this week.

The move is part of efforts to provide security and opportunity in an increasingly uncertain world, he said.

Sunak plans to require 18-year-olds to serve in the military or undertake community work for 12 months to bolster his argument that he is best placed to strengthen Britain's security.

Sunak said generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experiences they deserve and there are forces trying to tear our society apart in an increasingly uncertain world.

Although national service was abolished in Britain in 1960, British military leaders have continued to pressure young people to prepare for the possibility of war.

Gen. Patrick Sanders, commander of the British Armed Forces, said in January that Britain's pre-war generation must prepare for the possibility of future conflict, adding that a whole-of-nation effort is needed.

Downing Street said there was no question of the state service being reintroduced at the time, but Sunak's manifesto commitment on the issue was early evidence of Tory strategists' commitment that the chancellor would come up with bold ideas to regain Labour's political lead.

The Conservative leader said his party's plans would give young people the chance to change their lives and learn real-world skills, whether in the military or in civil society.

Under the measure, individuals are invited to apply for 12 months of military service or to volunteer one weekend each month for a year in the community in a variety of settings, including social care and emergency services.

The 12-month full-time placement will take place within the Armed Forces or UK Cyber ​​Defense Unit and will involve young people working in logistics, cyber security, procurement or civil response operations.

The Prime Minister said the plan would cost $2.5 billion a year by 2029/2030 and add to existing strains on public finances. Chancellor Sunak also pledged to increase defense spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030.

The Conservatives said $1 billion in national services funding would come from a planned crackdown on tax avoidance and evasion, while a further $1.5 billion would come from funds previously allocated to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, a post-Brexit regional support plan.

Sunak said the new national service plan would be designed by a royal commission and would come into effect by the end of the next parliament.

Labor said: This is not a review plan that could cost billions and is necessary as the Conservatives have reduced the army to its smallest size since Napoleon.

Sunak needs a new plan to reignite the start of the campaign following his surprise decision to call a poll on July 4. On Saturday he convened advisers in his Richmond, Yorkshire, parliamentary seat to discuss next steps, but aides denied their campaign was impossible. Resetting.

They said these types of meetings are natural. Sunak had gone out campaigning earlier in the day and then traveled to London to meet local party activists at Wimbledon.

Speaking to a group of veterans in Yorkshire, Sunak said the world was more dangerous and challenging than it had been in decades.

There are China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. He said these things don't happen far away, they affect us here at home.

According to pollster YouGov, only 10% of 18-24 year olds have completed one year of mandatory military service. This compares to 46% of people aged 65 and over, a key Conservative demographic but not affected by the measure.

The voluntary community service, which lasts about a month, is supported by around 72% of UK adults. A YouGov poll found that only 8% of voters aged 18 to 24 supported the Conservatives.

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer pledged on Saturday to give 16- and 17-year-olds the right to vote if Labor wins the general election. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 in 1969.

If you can work, pay tax and serve in the military, you should be able to vote, the Labor leader said on a campaign visit to the West Midlands. A 17-year-old boy from England.

Shadow Prime Minister Rachel Reeves will promote the party's core message that stability is change on Sunday, arguing that Labor will provide respite for ordinary voters and businesses after years of economic and political turmoil.

The Liberal Democrats plan to unveil their election battle bus in the Tory marginal seat of East Anglia on Sunday, with party leader Ed Davey promising to fix crumbling hospitals made unsafe by foam concrete.




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