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Top Sinaloa drug cartel assassin extradited to U.S. to face charges, Justice Department says

Top Sinaloa drug cartel assassin extradited to U.S. to face charges, Justice Department says


WASHINGTON — A top Sinaloa drug cartel killer, arrested by Mexican authorities last fall, has been extradited to the United States to face retaliation charges related to drugs, guns and to witnesses, the Justice Department announced on Saturday.

Nstor Isidro Prez Salas, also known as El Nini, is the leader and commander of a group that provided security for the sons of imprisoned drug lord Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn and also aided them in their drug trafficking , federal investigators said. The sons lead a faction known as the Little Chapos, or Chapitos, which has been identified as a leading exporter of the deadly synthetic opioid, fentanyl, to the United States.

Fentanyl is responsible for approximately 70,000 overdose deaths per year in the United States.

We allege that El Nini was one of the principal sicarios, or assassins, of the Sinaloa Cartel, and that he was responsible for the murder, torture and kidnapping of rivals and witnesses who threatened the criminal enterprise cartel drug trafficking operation, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a press release. SATURDAY.

Court records do not list an attorney for Prez Salas who could comment on his behalf.

Last year, the Justice Department announced a series of charges against cartel leaders, and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration announced a $3 million reward for the capture of 31-year-old Prez Salas. He was captured at a fortified property in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, last November. .

In a written statement, President Joe Biden thanked Mexican President Andres Manuel Lepez Obrador for the extradition of Prez Salas.

Our governments will continue to work together to combat the epidemic of fentanyl and synthetic drugs that is killing so many people in our countries and around the world, and to bring to justice the criminals and organizations that produce, smuggle and sell these deadly poisons in our two countries. , Biden said.

Nini's nickname apparently refers to Mexican slang saying neither nor, used to describe young people who neither work nor study.

At the time of his arrest, Mike Vigil, former head of international operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, called him a complete psychopath.

Prez Salas commanded a security team known as the Ninis, a group of security personnel that was particularly violent to the Chapitos, according to an indictment unsealed last year in New York. The Ninis received military-style training in several areas of combat, including urban warfare, special weapons and tactics, and sniper proficiency.

Prez Salas participated in the torture of a Mexican federal agent in 2017, authorities said. He and others allegedly tortured the man for two hours, inserting a corkscrew into his muscles, ripping it out and placing hot peppers in the wounds.

According to the indictment, the Ninis committed horrific acts of violence.

The Ninis would take their captured rivals to ranches owned by the Chapitos to be executed, with some victims being fed dead or alive to tigers that the Chapitos kept as pets, the indictment says.




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