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UK election: Sunak proposes mandatory conscription for 18-year-olds

UK election: Sunak proposes mandatory conscription for 18-year-olds


LONDON (AP) All 18-year-olds in Britain will be required to perform one year of compulsory military or civilian national service if the ruling Conservative Party wins the July 4 general election, the Conservatives said Sunday.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has pledged to revive some form of national service for the first time in more than 60 years in a bid to revitalize the election campaign after a shaky start.

Britain introduced conscription for men and some women during World War II, and imposed 18 months of mandatory service on men from 1947 to 1960. Since then, Britain has had an army comprised entirely of volunteers, but its size has steadily declined.

According to the plan, 30,000 of the 700,000 18-year-olds will work in the military for 12 months in fields such as logistics or cyber defense. Others spend one weekend a month working for organizations such as charities, community groups, hospitals, police and fire departments.

Sunak said the program would help build a sense of common purpose among our young people and create a new sense of pride in our country.

It is still unclear how this will be mandated. Home Secretary James Cleverly said no one would be forced to serve in the military.

Cleverly said on Sunday that the main goal of the new plan is not to strengthen the military, but to build a society where people mix with people from outside their own communities, with people from different backgrounds, different religions and different income levels. .

The Conservatives estimated the cost of the national service plan at 2.5 billion pounds ($3.2 billion) a year. They said they would pay for it in part by taking 1.5 billion pounds ($1.9 billion) from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, set up in 2022 to regenerate poor communities.

Labor said the national service announcement was a desperate pledge worth £2.5 billion without funding from a party whose ideas were bankrupt.

Former Labor secretary Alan Johnson said the Tory plan amounted to mandatory volunteering and predicted it would never happen.

Elections in the UK must be held at least five years apart. The chancellor can choose any timing within that period, and Sunak, 44, had until December to set a date.

He surprised most people, including members of his own party, on Wednesday when he announced that the election would be held on July 4th. The Conservative Party, in its 14th year in power, is lagging behind the opposition Labor Party led by Keir Starmer. We're conducting opinion polls and trying to overcome the widespread perception that voters want change.

Sunak's election announcement outside 10 Downing Street saw him drenched in rain and drowned out by protesters blasting Labor campaign songs. One of his first campaign stops was at the Belfast dockyard where the ill-fated ocean liner Titanic was built, another detail gleefully captured by his enemies.

Voters will elect lawmakers to fill all 650 seats in the House of Representatives. The leader of the party that can control the majority of the House of Representatives, either alone or in coalition, becomes prime minister.




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