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HSBC considers offering graduates jobs in China and India after withdrawing UK offer

HSBC considers offering graduates jobs in China and India after withdrawing UK offer


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Foreign graduates in the UK who had job offers canceled by HSBC after the government tightened visa rules have been told they could be offered jobs in mainland China, India and Poland.

HSBC last week told affected overseas graduates it would explore opportunities to employ them in similar schemes in three countries after it criticized changes to visa rules for canceling UK offers, according to documents reviewed by the Financial Times. .

The decision to withdraw offers to around two dozen graduates highlights how employers are struggling with the government's decision to increase salary thresholds for skilled worker visas. The Big Four accounting firms KPMG and Deloitte have also canceled offers in recent weeks.

Potential offers still depend on the applicant's ability to work in China, India and Poland. A person familiar with the matter said the UK would support them through the visa process as usual, providing advice and covering costs.

The London-based lender hired 720 graduates last year, according to its latest annual report, and employs around 33,000, 42,000 and 6,000 staff in China, India and Poland respectively.

The affected graduates were due to join the HSBC Digital Transformation Graduate Scheme in the UK, covering roles in cyber security, software development and data.

The cancellation of Britain's proposal comes after Chancellor Rishi Sunak's government in April raised the base salary threshold for skilled worker visas from 26,200 to 38,700 in a bid to reduce legal immigration levels. Immigration is expected to be a key issue in the UK general election campaign over the next six weeks.

HSBC has angered some of the affected graduates in recent weeks after sending out automated messages saying the lender was sorry. [them] Go after they decide to leave the selection process.

The bank later told affected graduates that consulting firm EY, which is acting as immigration adviser to HSBC, would explain the reasons for the cancellation in more detail and answer questions about their UK immigration status.

HSBC has said it will not be able to pass on a small number of offers to candidates as part of its graduate scheme this year due to changes to rules covering people seeking sponsored visas to work in the UK. We are currently in discussions with those affected.




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