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Europe watches Britain's election fight over deporting migrants to Rwanda – POLITICO

Europe watches Britain's election fight over deporting migrants to Rwanda – POLITICO


The European Commission's current public position on British policy is “cryptic,” according to one EU official whom POLITICO asked for interpretation. When Sunak's latest legal amendments were passed last month, a spokesman said: “We note the adoption of the Rwanda Safeguards Bill. We call on the UK to respect its international commitments and ensure effective access to asylum procedures.” .

But while leaders like Nehammer and Meloni are willing to discuss Sunak's Rwanda plan, they are not necessarily seeking an exact copy. There are still differences between the UK's approach of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda permanently without compensation and the approach even the most concerned EU leaders say they are considering.

a different approach

For example, under the return agreement Meloni recently signed with Albania, asylum seekers will have their cases processed in the Balkan country, but successful applicants will ultimately be able to go and live in Italy. While Nehammer praises Sunak's approach, he is considering a plan based on a similar model to Italy's. This was an approach that was also being considered in Denmark, but has now stalled due to a change in government.

Under Albania's latest return deal with Giorgia Meloni, asylum seekers will have their cases processed in the Balkan country, but successful applicants will ultimately be able to travel to Italy to live there. | Tiziana Fabi/AFP via Getty Images

“The options being considered in Europe and the discussions about what this would look like if done in Europe look different from the British Rwandan model,” Fratzke said, noting there is more willingness on the continent. Working “within the parameters of EU law and international law”. Unlike most EU proposals, the UK policy would not outsource the processing of asylum applications overseas, but instead move refugees to other countries without taking their cases into account.

The idea of ​​processing asylum applications outside the EU is not a particularly new idea. In 2018, the Juncker Commission proposed a network of euphemistically named “regional disembarkation platforms” that would allow asylum seekers to process their applications instead of dangerously crossing Europe. Mediterranean.

Even if they do not follow the same model as the UK, mentioning Sunak's Rwanda policy appears to give EU leaders who want to move in this direction political space to put offshore processing back on the agenda in Brussels.

But challenges still remain. The “disembarkation platform” didn't happen last time, in part because of practical issues. As well as the legal complexities of international and EU asylum law, few third countries are willing to accept migrants, and even fewer are considered safe.

Britain attempted to square the circle in two ways. The first is legislation that defines Rwanda as safe, regardless of the evidence. The second is a huge amount of money. The UK government's own cost calculations estimate that the first 300 people deported will cost $1.8 million per asylum seeker. It remains to be seen whether EU governments will be prepared to accept either of these solutions.




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