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American billionaire plans submersible trip to Titanic wreck

American billionaire plans submersible trip to Titanic wreck


An American luxury real estate billionaire and deep-sea explorer plan to travel aboard a submersible to explore the Titanic.

Ohio tycoon and adventurer Larry Connor and Patrick Lahey, co-founder of Triton Submarines, say they want to take a submarine to a depth of about 3,800 m (12,467 ft) to see the wreck in the North Atlantic Ocean.

The private submersible industry was shaken after five people were killed when an OceanGate-built ship imploded en route to the Titanic last year.

A company spokesman, Mr. Connors, said Tuesday that the proposed voyage would only take place once a vessel was fully certified by a maritime organization.

There is no timetable for the planned shipment.

The two men plan to use a submarine called Triton 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer. The 4000 refers to the depth in meters at which the gear can be safely deployed.

The Titan submarine built by OceanGate was constructed of carbon fiber and was only certified to 1,300 m, a far cry from the depths of the ocean floor where the wreck of the Titanic was located.

In June 2023, the ship imploded while heading towards the wreck of the Titanic. OceanGate chief executive Stockton Rush, 61, died on board alongside four other passengers: British-Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Suleman, 19, the man British businessman Hamish Harding, 58, and Paul-Henry Nargeolet, 77, former Frenchman. navy diver.

Mr Rush was known for pushing the limits on safety and had ignored several warnings from advisers about potential problems with the Titan. Investigations by American and Canadian authorities are ongoing.

Mr. Connor told the Wall Street Journal, which first reported on the Triton expedition project: I want to show people around the world that although the ocean is extremely powerful, it can be wonderful and enjoyable and Truly life changing if you do. The right way.

The private submersible industry suffered after the Titan disaster, and both men hope a successful voyage will revive interest.

OceanGate suspended operations and other companies reported canceled orders and declining sales after Titan's implosion. Mr Lahey told the newspaper: This tragedy has had a chilling effect on people's interest in these vehicles.

Mr. Lahey co-founded Triton Submarines in 2008. Mr. Connor is the head of The Connor Group, a real estate investment company based near Dayton, Ohio.

In 2021, the duo ventured together in a submersible to the Challenger Deep and the Sirena Deep in the Mariana Trench. At nearly 36,000 feet, the trench is the deepest point on Earth's seabed.

Triton Submarines has been contacted for comment.




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