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When can the UK see the Northern Lights? It may take a few days | technology news

When can the UK see the Northern Lights?  It may take a few days |  technology news


The UK will soon see more of the Northern Lights (Photo: Getty/iStockphoto)

In the UK, radiation from the sun supercharges the Northern Lights, making the Northern Lights even more fascinating.

The giant sunspot cluster that battered Earth in a solar storm earlier this month is back, and has already caused shortwave radio blackouts in Europe and the United States.

And while solar flares are difficult to predict, experts believe the best time for a repeat of last month's spectacle will be June 4-6, or at the latest June 9, when the sunspot will point directly at the planet.

Where they are visible will depend on the intensity of the radiation hitting the Earth, with Scotland and northern England enjoying the best chances of seeing the colorful night sky.

You'll also need clear skies to see it, but luckily the UK is set for a June heatwave after months of record rainfall.

Last month, a sunspot designated AR3664 and 15 times wider than Earth fired powerful solar flares our way, causing dazzling auroras across the UK and Ireland on May 9.

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A week later, the situation worsened when AR3664 unleashed the most powerful solar flare of the current 11-year solar cycle, officially classified as an X8.7 class flare.

However, the Sun always rotates slowly, taking 27 Earth days to complete one revolution. This means that a group of sunspots moved away from the planet shortly after the monster exploded.

But now they're back, and they seem just as angry as before.

On Monday, a massive solar flare erupted from the sun. (Photo: Nasa) Northern Lights, officially known as the Aurora Borealis, over St Mary's Lighthouse in Whitley Bay (Photo: PA) The Northern Lights, also known as the Northern Lights, perform at Bingham, Nottingham (Photo: Alamy)

The group, renamed AR3697, fired a major X-class flare just before heading toward Earth on Monday, and astronomers think there may be more to where it came from.

Solar flares fall into one of five categories: A, B, C, M, and X, with X being the largest. Each lesson is graded from 1 to 9. So this month's X8.7 flare was almost as strong as it came, but the A1.2 is nothing more than a solar problem.

Monday's flare was X2.9 and was so powerful that it caused a shortwave radio blackout in East Asia.

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Solar flares are large bursts of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, including X-rays and UV radiation. When they hit the Earth, they impart an electric charge to the particles in the atmosphere, exciting them all and causing them to swirl around.

This makes it more difficult for shortwave radio signals to travel through the ionosphere as they continue to hit the ionosphere, mixing them up or completely absorbing them.

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But it is also this phenomenon that helps create the Northern Lights, or Northern Lights.

Northern Lights over Crosby Beach, Liverpool (Photo: Peter Byrne/PA Wire) Lights over Minster-on-Sea, Kent (Photo: Alamy)

Along with solar flares, sunspots can also emit coronal mass ejections (CEMs), giant burps of solar plasma, like the one that occurred on Monday.

While a solar flare takes just eight minutes to travel at the speed of light, a CEM moves sunlight much further and takes several days.

As sunspots rotate toward Earth and the Sun approaches solar maximum, this is the most active period of the cycle, so you can expect more solar fireworks.

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