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US, Britain strike Houthi rebel targets in Yemen after surge in maritime attacksExBulletin

US, Britain strike Houthi rebel targets in Yemen after surge in maritime attacksExBulletin


In this undated photo provided by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on May 30, 2024, a view of the Laax, a Marshall Islands-flagged Greek bulk carrier that was attacked by Yemen's Houthi rebels earlier this week, carrying a cargo of cereals. destined for Iran, the group's main benefactor, authorities said Thursday. Army General Staff/AP hide legend

. Army Staff/AP

WASHINGTON The United States and Britain struck 13 Houthi targets in several locations across Yemen on Thursday in response to a recent surge in Iranian-backed militia attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden , said three American officials.

Officials said U.S. and British warplanes and U.S. ships hit a wide range of underground facilities, missile launchers, command and control sites, a Houthi ship and other facilities. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to provide initial details of an ongoing military operation.

The United States also struck eight unmanned aerial vehicles in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen that were determined to pose a threat to U.S. and coalition forces.

According to Houthi satellite Al Masirah, at least two people were killed and ten others injured in one of the strikes, which hit a radio building in the Red City port city of Hodeida. It broadcast footage of a bloodied man being carried down stairs and others receiving treatment at a hospital. Other strikes took place outside the rebel capital, Sanaa, and elsewhere in the country, with little other information released likely indicating that Houthi military sites had been struck.

The strikes came a day after a US MQ-9 Reaper drone crashed in Yemen, and the Houthis released footage they said showed the plane being targeted by a surface-to-air missile in an area desert of the central province of Marib in Yemen. It was the third such fall this month alone.

Also earlier this week, missile attacks twice damaged a Marshall Islands-flagged Greek ship in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, with a private security firm saying radio traffic suggested the ship had took on water after being hit. The Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack.

This is the fifth time that the American and British military have carried out a combined operation against the Houthis since January 12. But the United States also carries out almost daily strikes to eliminate Houthi targets, including missiles and drones aimed at ships, as well as weapons ready to be launched.

The U.S. F/A-18 fighter jets were launched from the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower into the Red Sea, officials said. Other US warships in the region also participated.

In recent months, the Houthis have stepped up attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, demanding that Israel end the war in Gaza, which has killed more than 36,000 Palestinians. The war began after Hamas-led militants attacked Israel on October 7, killing around 1,200 people and taking some 250 hostages.

The Houthis have launched more than 50 attacks on ships, seized one ship and sunk another since November, according to the U.S. Maritime Administration.

Shipping via the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden has declined due to the threat.

US warships, meanwhile, have destroyed a number of missile launchers and drones targeting ships in the region over the past week.

President Joe Biden and other top leaders have repeatedly warned that the United States will not tolerate Houthi attacks on commercial shipping. But the counterattacks did not appear to diminish the Houthis' campaign against shipping in the region.




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