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Israel's Netanyahu invited by US leaders to deliver speech to Congress

Israel's Netanyahu invited by US leaders to deliver speech to Congress


WASHINGTON (AP) Congressional leaders have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver a speech at the Capitol, a show of wartime support for the longtime ally despite growing political divisions following Israel's military assault on Gaza.

The invitation from House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, as well as Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, has been in the works for some time. No date for the speech has been set.

The leaders said the invitation was extended to highlight the Americas' solidarity with Israel.

We invite you to share the Israeli government's vision to defend democracy, combat terrorism and establish a just and lasting peace in the region, they wrote.

A Netanyahu speech would almost certainly reveal election-year divisions in the United States, where a growing number of Democrats have turned away from the right-wing prime minister, while Republicans have embraced him.

Johnson first suggested inviting the Israeli leader, saying it would be a great honor for me to invite him. This came shortly after Schumer, who is the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States, issued a scathing rebuke to Netanyahu. Schumer said in his speech that Netanyahu had lost his way amid Israel's bombing campaign on Gaza.

Despite this, Schumer said he would join the invitation because our relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends any prime minister or president.

The war between Israel and Hamas, now in its seventh month following the October 7 surprise attack by the Palestinian militant group, has sparked widespread concern in the United States and abroad over the conduct of Israel and the significant number of civilian deaths.

As Israel moves into Gaza's Rafah, the International Criminal Court has charged Netanyahu and his defense minister, along with three Hamas leaders, with war crimes, an act that is largely symbolic but further isolates the Israeli leader.

President Joe Biden, in supporting Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, blasted the ICC trial against Netanyahu, but he nevertheless became critical of Israel's war plans and insisted on obtain guarantees of humanitarian aid.

On Friday, Biden promoted a three-phase deal offered by Israel to Hamas militants that he said would lead to the release of remaining hostages in Gaza and could end the war. He urged the Israelis and Hamas to reach an agreement to release the remaining hostages for an extended ceasefire, arguing that Hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another large-scale attack on Israel as he did so in October.

Biden called the proposal a road map toward a lasting ceasefire and the release of all hostages.

It is not yet clear whether Biden and Netanyahu will meet in Washington.

Earlier this week, Spain, Norway and Ireland recognized a Palestinian state, a move condemned by Israel. The Slovenian government also approved a motion to recognize a Palestinian state and called on Parliament to do the same.

Typically, a high-profile congressional invitation is issued jointly and in consultation with the White House. But in 2015, Netanyahu was asked to address Congress to push back against then-President Barack Obama by a former Republican president during disputes over Iran.

On Capitol Hill, debates over the war between Israel and Hamas have been sharp, heated and divisive, amplified during protests on college campuses this spring, showing how once ironclad support for Israel has faded. weakened and divided.

Republicans, including presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, have been keen to show their support for Netanyahu and denounce Democratic divisions on Israel.

Most recently, Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York became the highest-ranking Republican official in the United States to deliver a speech to the Israeli parliament.




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