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Minjee Lee with 66 forges a 3-way tie at the US Women's Open | LPGA

Minjee Lee with 66 forges a 3-way tie at the US Women's Open |  LPGA
Minjee Lee with 66 forges a 3-way tie at the US Women's Open |  LPGA


LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) — Wichanee Meechai has a share of the lead and every reason to feel out of place in a crowded U.S. Women's Open at the top.

Meechai is usually full of doubts and lacks confidence, an example of the 31-year-old Thai's honesty. She's not sure if the rental house where she stays alone has a ghost, but she thinks they can get along if it does.

And then there was this dream on Saturday at 3 a.m. where she forgot to sign her scorecard.

“I dream about the US Open. I think it's in my mind, very deep,” Meechai said. “I don't think I can get rid of it. I'm just trying to get by.”

All the while, Meechai performed as if she had always been there. She made two big pars Saturday afternoon for a 1-under 69, giving her a share of the lead with two-time major champion Minjee Lee (66) and Stanford alum Andrea Lee (67).

Minjee Lee took advantage of one of the front tees by hitting the 6-iron to reach eagle on the par-5 seventh hole, which put her right into the mix, and she stayed there with a few other key shots in along the way. to match the low championship score.

Andrea Lee played bogey-free on the back nine with back-to-back birdies that propelled her into the final group.

Former British Open champion Hinako Shibuno made seven birdies for a 66 and was two behind. Another shot behind was Yuka Saso, who saved shots with her putter and a sublime flop shot over a bunker to a tight pin at the par-3 17th. She dropped two shots late to a 69.

Meechai was among only five players to stay under par, all with a reasonable chance of winning women's golf's biggest prize at Lancaster Country Club, a course that demands everything from everyone.

Everyone else had big moments – major champions for Minjee Lee, Shibuno and Saso, Solheim Cup pressure for Andrea Lee.

But it was Meechai who put everything into perspective before the final round.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of,” she said. “Everyone has the same thing. Just another round of the tournament. Go out there and have fun on the course.”

The lead was 5 under 205.

Nelly Korda, Rose Zhang and other big stars of women's golf haven't missed the cut in a long time. He left behind a tremendous compromise on a difficult course at the US Open.

Minjee Lee was four shots behind and going nowhere until her 6 iron skipped out of the rough and straddled the ridge just behind the eagle cut at number 7. Equally impressive was her tee shot to a scary left front pin on the famous par-3 12th hole to 3 feet for birdie.

“It’s difficult if you have very high expectations and the journey is hard and difficult,” she said. “I tried to stay pretty calm and I just tried to be patient. I feel like my game is trending. I feel like everything has come together so far in where I am right now.”

Everyone was above average, and Lancaster Country Club is not the track that allows big fees. It's more about life, especially in a final round at the US Open.

Saturday was different and Minjee Lee thought it might be. She would know what to expect after winning her second major at the U.S. Women's Open two years ago at Pine Needles, where she won by four strokes.

Now there are people at the top.

Meechai – she goes by “Jan” when she plays in America – is the most unlikely candidate. Her only victory in a tournament recognized by the women's world rankings came at the LPGA in Taiwan nine years ago. She is No. 158 in the world rankings.

She seemed impervious to the nerves of women's golf's biggest event, even after her group (with Andrea Lee) received a warning for slow play.

Andrea Lee, who started two shots behind, opened with a 25-foot birdie putt. Meechai followed her by a little over 20 feet. The 31-year-old Thai also holed an iron onto the green at the seventh to make a two-putt birdie that put her at 6 under.

But she dropped two shots on the back nine, only to deliver a beauty with an 8-iron at the 15th, just enough right-to-left movement on her shot for it to straddle the slope of the 3-foot green that has been placed in position. the head.

It only lasted long enough for Minjee Lee to sink an 18-foot birdie putt on the short par-4 16th, after backing off the tee with a 5-iron. And then Andrea Lee came up on the 16th with a shot at 3 feet to reach them.

At stake is a gain of $2.4 million for the winner, by far the largest in women's golf. Lancaster has had huge galleries all week, just like in 2015, and the stage could look even bigger.

Saturday was still pretty tough for 15-year-old Asterisk Talley, the youngest player on the field and a high school freshman playing in the second-to-last group. She shot 78 to fall out of contention, going from five shots behind to 14 shots ahead.




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