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Why Reform is aiming to win the election in Barnsley, a Labor stronghold.

Why Reform is aiming to win the election in Barnsley, a Labor stronghold.


[I] Don't ignore reforms. Only two political parties are known entities and the smaller parties aren't completely off my radar, but aren't their tactics? I think a lot of people vote tactically.

What are the hottest local issues right now?

Before this redevelopment we were a tired town, but now the town center is the best place I've ever been, says Smith. He would like to see more, including more facilities to help teenagers tackle anti-social behavior. We were heading in the right direction, but we couldn't take our foot off the gas pedal. We must keep going.

We are overall pleased with the transformation of Barnsley as a city. They've done a really great job in terms of operations and infrastructure. It's great to see small stores popping up, but isn't that the case across the country? says Charlotte.

Thinking on that scale, she says the NHS, jobs and immigration, which have a huge impact on people, are key areas she cares about.

Compared to many other red wall areas, this may not seem like a city overly affected by high levels of migration. But despite this, frustration over the issue is growing, with hotels such as nearby Wath-upon-Dearn where the minister's plan to house 130 asylum seekers at the Holiday Inn in 2022 has outraged some local residents. Government spending on housing migrants has expanded.

Why this town decided to leave [the EU] It was immigration, Smith says.

But I think if they [Leave voters] You could look into a crystal ball and see what the current immigration situation is, but I don't think many of them would have voted to leave. I think they would all agree that it is actually 10 times worse now than it used to be. [in 2016].

Lomas points out that residential displacement is costing the Home Office £8 million a day. [last year], 8 million pounds is too much. We can fix our roads and we can take care of our people.

These figures come from a Home Office report from September 2023. Hotel occupancy has increased over the past few years as the number of people entering the UK illegally or seeking asylum has reached record levels.

It is a clear failure of the Conservative Party to address this issue, particularly in relation to the small boat crisis in the English Channel, which the reforms hope to capitalize on in Barnsley as elsewhere in the UK.

Sunak's party's focus on immigration was seen by many experts as a political mistake that highlighted its own shortcomings in areas such as these.

Reform has also placed significant focus on the NHS, which is always at the top of the agenda at election time, but the current pressures on our health service could easily lead to the NHS taking over the sector. Barnsley is no different from every other city in the country in that it has long waiting lists.

There is currently a backlog of more than 7.5 million treatments on the NHS. Reform believes that by making bold, radical changes to the system in the first 100 days, we can achieve zero waiting lists within two years.

But Charlotte's thoughts reveal the scale of the work Reform will have to do if it wants to gain an electoral base here and paint the city sky blue. Locally, there is general satisfaction that things are going well, at least in the constituency's urban centres. Across the country, they want change. Labor will be very happy with that picture.

What about conservatives? Mobility scooter rider Phil Lacey certainly said it best: It will never be a big enough swing away from Labor, let alone Barnsley. The Tories could say they'll give 50,000 to everyone who lived in an industrial area. They still won't vote for them.




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