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Discover the main cities to move to in the United States

Discover the main cities to move to in the United States


Kelsey Thompson, Jeremy Tanner

Updated: June 1, 2024 / 7:42 a.m. CDT

AUSTIN, Texas (KXAN) Which U.S. cities saw the most people moving in and out last year?

Moving and storage company PODS has revealed its data showing which cities across the country have attracted the most new residents and which have seen the most packing up and moving away.

You may have seen the Clearwater, Florida-based company's shipping containers in your neighborhood driveways. The company, established in 1998, allows movers to fill PODS with their belongings and then ship them to the new address.

Cities with the Highest Levels of Relocations Los Angeles, California (ranked first in 2023) San Francisco, Northern California area (ranked second in 2023) Miami, South Florida area (ranked fifth in 2023) Long Island, New York, serving part of New York City (ranked fourth in 2023) Austin, Texas (unranked in 2023) Central Jersey, New Jersey (ranked sixth in 2023) Chicago, Illinois (ranked third in 2023) San Diego, California (ranked 14th in 2023) Stockton- Modesto, California (ranked ninth in 2023) Hudson Valley, New York (ranked 11th in 2023) Santa Barbara, California (ranked 10th in 2023) Denver, Colorado (ranked 18th in 2023) Boston, Massachusetts (no ranked in 2023) Baltimore, Maryland (ranked 12th in 2023) Hartford, Connecticut (ranked 20th in 2023) Portland, Oregon (unranked in 2023) Fresno, California (unranked in 2023) Bakersfield, California (unranked in 2023) North of New Jersey, serving part of New York (ranked 15th in 2023) Minneapolis, Minnesota (unranked in 2023)

PODS data found that California had the highest concentration of moves among U.S. states, with seven cities or regions represented in the PODS Top 20.

In Texas, the once-hot Austin market made its first appearance in the PODS rankings. Declining housing affordability and inaccessibility are two of the factors contributing to these declines, according to PODS data. The analysis also suggests that current uncertainties and layoffs within the technology industry, a major industry that has moved its operations and staff to the Texas capital during the pandemic, could also prompt residents to reflect on the opportunity to continue living in Austin.

The moving company also pointed to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau that reveals Austin saw a smaller net gain of new residents, based on July 2023 estimates.

Another Texas city, Houston, is experiencing an increase in new residents arriving in the city. Houston ranked third among cities where PODS saw the highest move-in volume.

Among those rankings was a clear trend of movers heading to the Carolinas. PODS data found that the cost of living in both states tends to reflect the national average, while the regions offer beaches, mountains, green spaces and vibrant metropolises, as well as a four-season climate and strong artistic and cultural scenes.

Cities with the highest levels of move-ins Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and Wilmington, North Carolina (also ranked first in 2023) Ocala, Florida (ranked fourth in 2023) Houston, Texas (ranked fifth in 2023) Greenville-Spartanburg , South Carolina (ranked 10th in 2023) Charlotte, North Carolina (ranked 16th in 2023) Raleigh, North Carolina (ranked 20th in 2023) Phoenix, Arizona (ranked 18th in 2023) Knoxville, Tennessee (ranked seventh in 2023) Jacksonville, Florida (ranked eighth in 2023) Asheville, North Carolina (ranked 17th in 2023) Boise, Idaho (ranked 15th in 2023) Portland, Maine (ranked 13th in 2023) Nashville, Tennessee (ranked 11th in 2023) Atlanta , Georgia (unranked in 2023) Johnson City, Tennessee (unranked in 2023) Huntsville, Alabama (unranked in 2023) Dover, Delaware (unranked in 2023) Orlando, Florida (ranked third in 2023) Savannah, Georgia (ranked 19th in 2023) Greensboro, North Carolina (unranked ranked in 2023)

More details on PODS analysis can be found online.




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