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Surprise US Women's Open leader thinks her rental is haunted

Surprise US Women's Open leader thinks her rental is haunted


By: Jack Hirsh June 1, 2024

Wichanee Meechai thinks there might be a ghost in her rental house this week.

Jack Hirsh/GOLF

LANCASTER, Pennsylvania. Sleeping in the lead in the third round is hard enough for any pro. Add in the pressure of a major championship, and most players don't get a full night's rest before the biggest days of their career.

Wichanee Meechai falls in both categories after shooting her third straight round in the 60s Saturday at Lancaster Country Club to share the 54 lead at the U.S. Women's Open with Minjee Lee and Andrea Lee at five under.

But Meechai, who advanced in qualifying to advance to his fourth U.S. Open appearance (and first in three years), might not sleep for a different reason Saturday night. She thinks there might be a ghost in her rental house.

The 31-year-old Thai revealed on Friday evening, after taking the 36-hole lead, that she thought her house for the week might be haunted, but informed reporters on Saturday that there had been little paranormal activity the night before.

“I'm not going to say I'm not afraid of it, but I'll get along pretty well with the ghost,” Meechai said. “I try not to say anything if I hear something, so I just try to act normal.”

Meechai is a Buddhist and says she does believe in ghosts. In Tibetan Buddhist culture, when a human dies, they can enter the ghost world after a period of uncertainty.

It's something Meechai said she's talked about before, explaining that there's something about her religion like a world of shadows.

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Her manager even offered to spend the night with her at the rental house to make her feel more comfortable, but Meechai refused and said she was just trying to get along with the potential spiritual visitor . However, she said she would wear a Buddhist necklace for protection when she fell asleep.

“You have like a monk or something that you respect and you just put it on your neck, and I put it on my neck when I sleep, so I think it should be fine,” she said.

The world No. 158 has never been in such a position before. Meechai's career-best finish on the LPGA Tour is a T5 at the 2021 Pure Silk Championship. Aside from a T7 finish three weeks ago at the Cognizant Founders Cup, she has not finished in the top 20 at any of his other six starts this season.

But this week in Lancaster, she is one of two golfers to break the 70 mark in all three rounds. So if a supernatural spirit occupies her home this week, it could give her the edge she needs to achieve her breakthrough victory.

Jack Hirsh Editor

Jack Hirsh is an associate editor at GOLF. A native of Pennsylvania, Jack is a 2020 graduate of Penn State University, where he earned degrees in broadcast journalism and political science. He was captain of his high school's golf team and recently returned to the program as head coach. Jack still *tries* to stay competitive among local amateurs. Prior to joining GOLF, Jack spent two years working at a television station in Bend, Oregon, primarily as a multimedia journalist/reporter, but also as a producer, anchor, and even weatherman. He can be contacted at [email protected].




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